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  1. A data set of comparable estimates of the private rate of return to schooling in the world, 1970–2014
  2. School closures will lead to a reduction in future salary growth for today's students.
  3. Progress in learning may not increase with school enrolment
  4. Education mitigates impact of automation on wage inequality
  5. Returns to Education in Turkey
  6. This article estimates private and social returns to investment in education in Azerbaijan.
  7. Measuring Aversion to Debt: An Experiment Among Student Loan Candidates
  8. For every extra year a person goes to school, their earnings will rise by 9% a year
  9. The impact of an accountability intervention with diagnostic feedback: Evidence from Mexico
  10. The effects of delaying tracking in secondary school: evidence from the 1999 education reform in Poland
  11. School autonomy and accountability in Thailand: Does the gap between policy intent and implementation matter?
  12. Exploring the Differential Impact of Public Interventions on Indigenous People: Lessons from Mexico's Conditional Cash Transfer Program
  13. Private education provision and public finance: the Netherlands
  14. Adult literacy, heterogeneity and returns to schooling in Chile
  15. Empowering parents to improve education: Evidence from rural Mexico
  16. Public-Private Partnerships and the Global Reform of Education in Less Wealthy Countries—a Moderated Discussion
  17. Indigenous Peoples, Poverty, and Development
  18. Quality of Schooling, Returns to Schooling and the 1981 Vouchers Reform in Chile
  19. The Changing Pattern of Wage Returns to Education and its Implications
  20. Returns to Education in Developing Countries
  21. Costs and benefits of bilingual education in Guatemala: A partial analysis
  22. The equity impact of public finance of private education provision in Côte d’Ivoire
  23. A note on schooling and wage inequality in the public and private sector
  24. Economic volatility and returns to education in Venezuela: 1992–2002
  25. Schooling and Labor Market Impacts of a Natural Policy Experiment
  26. Returns to investment in education: a further update
  27. Economic analysis of World Bank education projects and project outcomes
  28. Curious George: the enduring Psacharopoulos legacy on the economics of education in developing countries
  29. Education and earnings in a transition economy: the case of Vietnam
  30. Producing educational materials in local languages: costs from Guatemala and Senegal
  31. The Role of the Private Sector in Education in Vietnam: Evidence From the Vietnam Living Standards Survey
  32. Socioeconomic and ethnic determinants of age-grade distortion in Bolivian and Guatemalan primary schools
  33. Engineers and economic development in Greece
  34. Gender earnings differentials in the engineering profession in Greece
  35. Labour market discrimination against indigenous people in Peru
  36. Reducing poverty in Latin America among indigenous people: An enhanced role for education
  37. Gender Discrimination in the Greek Labour Market
  38. Secondary Vocational Education and Earnings in Latin America[1]
  39. The privatization of higher education in Colombia: Effects on quality and equity