All Stories

  1. EASI-Tex: Edge-Aware Mesh Texturing from Single Image
  2. Split-and-Fit: Learning B-Reps via Structure-Aware Voronoi Partitioning
  3. CNS-Edit: 3D Shape Editing via Coupled Neural Shape Optimization
  4. DAE-Net: Deforming Auto-Encoder for fine-grained shape co-segmentation
  5. CLIPXPlore: Coupled CLIP and Shape Spaces for 3D Shape Exploration
  6. ShaDDR: Interactive Example-Based Geometry and Texture Generation via 3D Shape Detailization and Differentiable Rendering
  7. Neural Packing: from Visual Sensing to Reinforcement Learning
  8. Neural dual contouring
  9. Neural marching cubes
  10. TM-NET
  11. LOGAN
  12. A deep learning method for generating 3D shapes with part information
  13. GRAINS
  14. Fabricable eulerian wires for 3D shape abstraction
  15. Co-Locating Style-Defining Elements on 3D Shapes
  16. Co-Locating Style-Defining Elements on 3D Shapes