All Stories

  1. Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System
  2. Editorial: maintaining open access to high quality publications at no cost to author
  3. Impact of purification on physicochemical, surface and functional properties of okra biopolymer
  4. Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)?
  5. Going Natural: Using polymers from nature for gastroresistant applications
  6. Foreword: BJPharm - a new Open Access Journal for Research, Education and Practice in Pharmacy
  7. Age-mediated changes in the gastrointestinal tract
  8. Animal Farm: Considerations in Animal Gastrointestinal Physiology and Relevance to Drug Delivery in Humans
  9. Gastrointestinal release behaviour of modified-release drug products: Dynamic dissolution testing of mesalazine formulations
  10. Gastrointestinal characterisation and drug solubility determination in animals
  11. Predicting the gastrointestinal behaviour of modified-release products: Utility of a novel dynamic dissolution test apparatus involving the use of bicarbonate buffers
  12. Influence of ageing on the gastrointestinal environment of the rat and its implications for drug delivery
  13. Accelerating the dissolution of enteric coatings in the upper small intestine: Evolution of a novel pH 5.6 bicarbonate buffer system to assess drug release
  14. Pulsatile drug release from electrospun poly(ethylene oxide)–sodium alginate blend nanofibres
  15. Colonic bacterial metabolism of corticosteroids
  16. Release of Prednisolone and Inulin from a New Calcium-Alginate Chitosan-Coated Matrix System for Colonic Delivery
  17. Does sex matter? The influence of gender on gastrointestinal physiology and drug delivery
  18. Evolution of a physiological pH6.8 bicarbonate buffer system: Application to the dissolution testing of enteric coated products
  19. Assessment of gastrointestinal pH, fluid and lymphoid tissue in the guinea pig, rabbit and pig, and implications for their use in drug development
  20. Oral modified-release formulations in motion: The relationship between gastrointestinal transit and drug absorption
  21. Physiological bicarbonate buffers: stabilisation and use as dissolution media for modified release systems
  22. Once-daily tablet formulation and in vitro release evaluation of cefpodoxime using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose: A technical note