All Stories

  1. Data Mining-Driven Shift Enumeration for Accelerating the Solution of Large-Scale Personnel Scheduling Problems
  2. New Enhancements for the Exact Solution of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
  3. Solving the Air Conflict Resolution Problem Under Uncertainty Using an Iterative Biobjective Mixed Integer Programming Approach
  4. Exact Algorithms for Electric Vehicle-Routing Problems with Time Windows
  5. A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Inventory-Routing Problem
  6. Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithms for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Last-in-First-Out Loading
  7. A New Formulation Based on Customer Delivery Patterns for a Maritime Inventory Routing Problem
  8. Integrated Airline Crew Pairing and Crew Assignment by Dynamic Constraint Aggregation
  9. An Improved Primal Simplex Algorithm for Degenerate Linear Programs
  10. Enhanced Branch and Price and Cut for Vehicle Routing with Split Deliveries and Time Windows
  11. Column Generation with Dynamic Duty Selection for Railway Crew Rescheduling
  12. European Driver Rules in Vehicle Routing with Time Windows
  13. A Branch-and-Price Method for a Liquefied Natural Gas Inventory Routing Problem
  14. Path-Reduced Costs for Eliminating Arcs in Routing and Scheduling
  15. Branch-and-Price-and-Cut for the Split-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
  16. Tabu Search, Partial Elementarity, and Generalizedk-Path Inequalities for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows