All Stories

  1. Structural insights into the regulation of RyR1 by S100A1
  2. Mitochondrial Calcium Overload Plays a Causal Role in Oxidative Stress in the Failing Heart
  3. New Insights into the Proteolytic Regulation of the Structural Protein Junctophilin-2 by Calpain
  4. Structural analyses of human ryanodine receptor type 2 channels reveal the mechanisms for sudden cardiac death and treatment
  5. Calpain cleavage of Junctophilin-2 generates a spectrum of calcium-dependent cleavage products and DNA-rich NT1-fragment domains in cardiomyocytes
  6. Caveolin3 Stabilizes McT1-Mediated Lactate/Proton Transport in Cardiomyocytes
  7. Intensity matters: Ryanodine receptor regulation during exercise