All Stories

  1. Strategy Theory Using Analogy: Rationale, Tools and Examples
  2. Distinguishing between Cosmopolitans and Omnivores in Organizational Audiences
  3. Who Made This? Algorithms and Authorship Credit
  4. Why do people consider one distillery authentic and another one not?
  5. Artists’ Music after Grammy Awards
  6. Generating authenticity in automated work
  7. The Evolution of Novelty and Diversity in Recorded Music
  8. Making Great Strategy: Arguing for Organizational Advantage
  9. Authenticity: Meanings, Targets, Audiences and Third Parties
  10. What posted restaurant hygiene grades tell us
  11. Generating Authenticity in Automated Work
  12. Consumer authenticity in China
  13. Tiki Bars---Were they ever authentic?
  14. How did a certain kind of food come to be labelled "Tex-Mex"?
  15. How individuals interpret messages and signals of authenticity
  16. Don't say you are authentic, just be it
  17. "Authentic Kitsch: Donn, Vic and the Emergence of the Tiki Bar Social Category"
  18. Authenticity: Attribution, Value and Meaning
  19. Organizational Ecology
  20. Authenticity buffers restaurants against low hygiene ratings
  21. Authenticity and Consumer Value Ratings: Empirical Tests from the Restaurant Domain
  22. How did the Handover in Hong Kong effect entrepreneurship?
  23. Challenger Groups, Commercial Organizations, and Policy Enactment: Local Lesbian/Gay Rights Ordinances in the United States from 1972 to 2008 1
  24. Selection and variation in organizational evolution
  25. Introduction to special section honoring John Freeman
  26. Restaurant Organizational Forms and Community in the U.S. in 2005
  27. Niche width and scale in organizational competition: A computational approach
  28. Organizational form emergence and competing professional schemata of Dutch accounting, 1884–1939
  29. The Social Lives of Products:Analyzing Product Demography for Management Theory and Practice
  30. Organizational evolution with fuzzy technological formats: tape drive producers in the world market, 1951–1998
  31. Culture and Demography in Organizations . By J. Richard  Harrison and Glenn R.  Carroll. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2006. Pp. xx+269. $32.95 (paper).
  32. The organizational construction of authenticity: An examination of contemporary food and dining in the U.S.
  33. Growing Church Organizations in Diverse U.S. Communities, 1890–1926
  34. Product Demography ofDe NovoandDe AlioFirms in the Optical Disk Drive Industry, 1983–1999
  35. The Organizational Construction of Authenticity: An Examination of Contemporary Food and Dining in the U.S.
  37. Growing Church Organizations in Diverse U.S. Communities 1890-1906
  38. Size, differentiation and the performance of Dutch daily newspapers
  39. The Organizational Niche
  40. Cascading Organizational Change
  41. The Fog of Change: Opacity and Asperity in Organizations
  42. Size (and competition) among organizations: modeling scale-based selection among automobile producers in four major countries, 1885-1981
  43. Come together? The organizational dynamics of post-merger cultural integration
  44. Resource Distributions and Market Partitioning: Dutch Daily Newspapers, 1968 to 1994
  45. Organizational processes of resource partitioning
  46. Theorie der Ressourcenteilung in der Organisationsökologie
  47. Why the Microbrewery Movement? Organizational Dynamics of Resource Partitioning in the U.S. Brewing Industry1
  48. Why Corporate Demography Matters: Policy Implications of Organizational Diversity
  49. Organizational Demography and Culture: Insights from a Formal Model and Simulation
  50. Legitimation, Geographical Scale, and Organizational Density: Regional Patterns of Foundings of American Automobile Producers, 1885–1981
  51. Modeling Internal Organizational Change
  52. Organizations … The Smaller They Get
  53. A sociological view on why firms differ
  54. Evolution among competing organizational forms
  55. On Theory, Breweries, and Strategic Groups (A Reply to Tremblay)
  56. The Organizational Ecology of Strategic Groups in the American Brewing Industry from 1975 to 1990
  57. Keeping the Faith: A Model of Cultural Transmission in Formal Organizations
  58. Density dependence in the organizational evolution of the American brewing industry across different levels of analysis
  59. Density Dependent Organizational Evolution in the American Brewing Industry from 1633 to 1988
  60. Karrieren in Organisationen
  61. On Using Institutional Theory in Studying Organizational Populations
  62. Density Dependence in the Evolution of Populations of Newspaper Organizations
  63. Organizations and the State: Effects of the Institutional Environment on Agricultural Cooperatives in Hungary
  64. The Career Dynamics of Self-Employment
  65. Organizational Approaches to Strategy: An Introduction and Overview
  66. Competition and Mutualism among Early Telephone Companies
  67. Job-Shift Patterns in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Effects of Social Class, Industrial Sector, and Organizational Size
  68. Organizational Environments: Ritual and Rationality.
  69. Concentration and Specialization: Dynamics of Niche Width in Populations of Organizations
  70. Organizational Ecology
  71. The Specialist Strategy
  72. Introduction
  73. Dynamics of Publisher Succession in Newspaper Organizations
  74. Time-series models for event counts
  75. A stochastic model of organizational mortality: Review and reanalysis
  76. The Liability of Newness: Age Dependence in Organizational Death Rates
  77. Dynamic analysis of discrete dependent variables: A didactic essay
  78. The Genetics of Altruism.
  79. Capital Cities in the American Urban System: The Impact of State Expansion
  80. National city-size distributions
  81. Dynamics of Organizational Expansion in National Systems of Education
  82. ‘It’s Not About the Beer, Really’
  83. Organizational Demography
  84. sociology and strategy
  85. organizational ecology population ecology
  86. initial conditions
  87. Organizational and Corporate Demography
  88. Contentious Legitimacy: Professional Association and Density Dependence in the Dutch Audit Industry 1884-1939
  89. The Ecology of Entrepreneurship
  90. Differentiation, Variation and Selection: Evolutionary Implications of Technical Change Among the Worldwide Population of Hard Disk Drive Makers, 1956-1998