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  1. Adaptation of the personal social capital brief scale for the measurement of the offline and online social capital in Italy
  2. Predictors of quality of life in people with Down syndrome
  3. How have youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder managed quarantine derived from COVID-19 pandemic? An approach to families perspectives
  4. A Combined Study on the Use of the Child Behavior Checklist 1½–5 for Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorders at 18 Months
  5. Individual and Environmental Factors Affecting Adaptive Behavior of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Role of Parents’ Socio-cultural Level
  6. Evaluation of Chromosome Microarray Analysis in a Large Cohort of Females with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Single Center Italian Study
  7. Attitudes of Mainstream and Special-Education Teachers toward Intellectual Disability in Italy: The Relevance of Being Teachers
  8. Factors affecting the relationship between adaptive behavior and challenging behaviors in individuals with intellectual disability and co-occurring disorders
  9. Assessment of challenging behaviours with the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form: Agreement/disagreement between frequency and severity ratings
  10. Influence of adaptive behaviour on the quality of life of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  11. Bladder and bowel dysfunction, adaptive behaviour and psychiatric profiles in adults affected by autism spectrum disorders
  12. Developing behavioural indicators for intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour for ICD-11 disorders of intellectual development
  13. Effects of a social tutor on participation, sense of community and learning in online university courses
  14. Detecting malingering mental illness in forensics: Known-Group Comparison and Simulation Design with MMPI-2, SIMS and NIM
  15. Development of a scale of Sense of Community in university online courses
  16. Behavioral Phenotype of ASD Preschoolers with Gastrointestinal Symptoms or Food Selectivity
  17. Environmental factors and teenagers’ personalities: The role of personal and familial Socio-Cultural Level
  18. Vineland-II adaptive behavior profile of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or specific learning disorders
  19. Testing Practices and Attitudes Toward Tests and Testing: An International Survey
  20. Development and Standardization of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Application of Item Response Theory to the Assessment of Adaptive Behavior
  21. Application of the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised – Italian version – in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder
  22. Validity and reliability of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behaviour Scale
  23. The Vineland-II in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Item Content Category Analysis
  24. The impact of internalizing symptoms on autistic traits in adolescents with restrictive anorexia nervosa
  25. The Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Evaluating its diagnostic sensitivity and specificity
  26. The assessment of the quality of life of adults with intellectual disability: The use of self-report and report of others assessment strategies
  27. Selective cognitive empathy deficit in adolescents with restrictive anorexia nervosa
  28. The Construct of Adaptive Behavior: Its Conceptualization, Measurement, and Use in the Field of Intellectual Disability
  29. How to use psychological tests for functional diagnosis: the case of assessment of learning disabilities
  30. Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Raven Progressive Matrices and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
  31. Cross-cultural study of person-centred quality of life domains and indicators: a replication
  32. The Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults: factor structure and comparisons between subjects with or without dual diagnosis
  33. School Adjustment and Academic Achievement: Parental Expectations and Socio‐cultural Background
  34. Sense of community in online courses and students with disabilities: Development of a questionnaire for university students
  35. The Problem of Measuring Socio-Cultural Level in Psychological Research
  36. Structural Equation Modeling: “Rules of Thumb” with Participants with Disabilities
  37. Evaluation of Inclusion of Students with Disabilities: Integration of Different Methods