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  1. Modelling the length of hospital stay after knee replacement surgery through Machine Learning and Multiple Linear Regression at “San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d'Aragona” University Hospital
  2. Use of machine learning to predict abandonment rates in an emergency department
  3. Modelling the hospital length of stay for patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy through a Multiple Regression Model
  4. Using Statistical Analysis and Logistic Regression to study the effect of CoViD-19 on hospital activities of the C.O.U. General Surgery and Kidney Transplants
  5. Appropriate admission in Covid-19 era: the case study of the C.O.U. Neurology and Stroke Unit
  6. Impact of diagnostic techniques on the length of stay in emergency medicine
  7. Analysis of the adequacy of admissions in a Complex Operative Unit of General Surgery and Day Surgery and Breast Unit
  8. Logistic Regression to study the change in length of stay in a department of Ophthalmology in CoViD-19 era