All Stories

  1. Boundary Integral Formulation for Sound Scattered by Deformable Bodies
  2. A Minimum Objective Function Trim Procedure for VTOL Boundary Layer Trailing Edge Broadband Noise Reduction
  3. Study of Velocity-Potential Integral Formulations for Sound Scattered by Moving Bodies
  4. Velocity-Potential Boundary-Field Integral Formulation for Sound Scattered by Moving Bodies
  5. A Lighthill Equation-based Boundary-Field Integral Formulation for Sound Scattering of Moving Bodies
  6. A Novel Highly Accurate Finite-Element Family
  7. Synthesis of Active Twist Controller for Rotor Blade–Vortex Interaction Noise Alleviation
  8. Boundary-Field Integral Formulations for Sound Scattering of Moving Bodies
  9. Rotor Dynamic Wake Inflow Modelling in State-Space Format
  10. A Spectral-BEM Formulation for Compact Sources Aeroacoustics
  11. Synthesis of a Rotor BVI Noise Active Controller Through an Efficient Aerodynamics/Aeroacoustics Solver
  12. rotor blades aeroelasticity