All Stories

  1. Tourism, animals & the vacant niche: a scoping review and pedagogical agenda
  2. Cornering Authenticity in Wine Tourism: The Case of Tuscany
  3. Plant-Based Food Consumption
  4. Thinking and acting creatively for greater sustainability in academic conference tourism
  5. Telling the Story of a Sustainable Business Model in Arctic Luxury Food Tourism
  6. The human gaze at animals and the missing animal gaze in tourism studies
  7. Small tourism providers' stories about sustainability
  8. Exploring the Potential of Social Farmers’ Networking as a Leverage for Inclusive Tourism
  9. Cross-community enactive research: a relational practice-based approach to academic engagement
  10. Sustainability and justice: farm animals in rural tourism and lessons to be learned
  11. The space of animal justice in wildlife sanctuaries: a posthuman perspective
  12. A Dynamic Capabilities Approach to Business Model Innovation in Times of Crisis
  13. ‘Spirituality in practice’ in sustainability tourism research
  14. Discussing tourism during a crisis: resilient reactions and learning paths towards sustainable futures
  15. Care-full academic activism for sustainable transformations in tourism
  16. Tourism Actors' Engagement and Logics of Whale Protection and Conservation in Norway
  17. Workshop methodology design: Innovation-oriented participatory processes for sustainability
  18. Perspectives of Sustainability
  19. The Vegan Food Experience: Searching for Happiness in the Norwegian Foodscape
  20. Learning communities and co-creative tourism practices in NGDO projects
  21. Animal-based experiences and animal experiences: farm animals’ perspective on human leisure in rural settings
  22. Assessing the Learning Outcomes of Food-related Educational Tourism Events for University Students: The Case of the International Student Competition of Fermo, Italy
  23. Learning to face global food challenges through tourism experiences
  24. Wildlife tourism through the co-creation lens
  25. Let’s Zing: engaging tourism companies and tourists in ocean plastic clean-up
  26. Business Models and Sustainability in Nature Tourism: A Systematic Review of the Literature
  27. Problematizing the Ethical "Taste" of Authenticity
  28. Participatory action research and collaboration in CSR initiatives by DMOs
  29. Vegetarian for a Day or Two
  30. An eco-feminist perspective on the co-existence of different views of seals in leisure activities
  31. The reciprocal aspect of the experience value: tourists and residents celebrating weddings in the rural village of Petritoli (Italy)
  32. Reply to ‘Swim encounters with Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) off Northern Norway: interactive behaviours directed towards Human Divers and Snorkellers obtained from opportunistic underwater video recordings’
  33. Tourism Initiatives Developed through Collaboration with Foreign Organizations: The Emergence of Responsible Practices in Cuba
  34. Experiencing nature in animal-based tourism
  35. The emergence of Tuscany as a wedding destination: the role of local wedding planners
  36. Whale Watching in Norway Caught Between More Traditional Hunting Canons and the Lucrative Promise of Seismic Airguns
  37. Marchigiane Families Open Their Homes to Tourists: Sharing Food and Stories at the Dinner Table
  38. Celebrating the family abroad: the wedding tourism experience
  39. Designing small-scale sport events in the countryside
  40. The Co-creation of Animal-based Tourism Experience
  41. Ethical Content of Pictures of Animals in Tourism Promotion
  42. Communities of Practice in Tourism: Working and Learning Together. An Illustrative Case Study from Northern Norway
  43. Knowledge in food tourism: the case of Lofoten and Maremma Toscana
  44. Wildlife Tourism and Natural Sciences Knowledge: Challenges and Critical Factors
  45. Factors of peripherality: whale watching in northern Norway.