All Stories

  1. Damage control appliqué à la pédiatrie
  2. Remplissage vasculaire en réanimation pédiatrique : choix des solutés
  3. Prise en charge de l’amygdale qui saigne
  4. Closed-loop Titration of Anesthesia Guided by the Bispectral Monitor in Pediatric Anesthesia
  5. Respiratory Depression in a Child With Ultrarapid CYP2D6 Metabolism After Tramadol
  6. Predicting fluid responsiveness in children using stroke volume variation and indexed stroke volume
  7. A risk score to predict postoperative vomiting in pediatric patients: the VPOP score
  8. Noninvasive cardiac output measurement in postoperative children
  9. Response to Voepel-Lewis and Malviya's comment ‘pain score guided morphine titration is risky and inappropriate’
  10. Morphine titration in the postanesthetic care unit in children: the MORPHIT study
  11. Nouveautés concernant les anti-inflammatoires stéroïdiens et non stéroïdiens
  12. Réanimation pédiatrique
  13. Case Scenario
  14. Quel est le niveau de compétence nécessaire pour l’exercice de l’anesthésie pédiatrique ?
  15. Cuffed vs non-cuffed endotracheal tubes for pediatric anesthesia
  16. Paediatric intracranial empyema: differences according to age
  17. Enfant traumatisé grave
  18. Severe traumatic brain injury in children
  19. Authors' reply
  20. The Heart in Blunt Trauma
  21. Severe Anaphylactic Reaction to Cisatracurium in a Child
  22. Non-invasive aortic blood flow measurement
  23. Complications of emergency tracheal intubation in severely head-injured children
  24. Pediatric trauma patients
  25. Critical care management of neurotrauma in children: new trends and perspectives
  26. Resuscitation
  27. Prehospital trauma care
  28. Supporting and monitoring gas exchanges during anaesthesia