All Stories

  1. What makes a good clinical practice experience in radiography and sonography? An exploration of qualified clinical staff and student perceptions
  2. “It's not just the medical aspects that are important”: A qualitative exploration of first-time parents' experiences of antenatal imaging and their influence on parent-fetal bonding
  3. “It has been the most difficult time in my career”: A qualitative exploration of UK obstetric sonographers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Adapting a communication coaching intervention for obstetric sonographers delivering unexpected news: A qualitative study
  5. The ultrasound use of simulators, current view, and perspectives: Requirements and technical aspects (WFUMB state of the art paper)
  6. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical guidance and risk assessments, and the importance of effective leadership to support UK obstetric sonographers
  7. Radiographers’ individual perspectives on sonography - A survey of European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS)
  8. Radiographers in ultrasound: Motivation and role expansion. A survey of European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS)
  9. The role of radiographers in ultrasound: A survey of the national societies within the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS)
  10. UK consensus guidelines for the delivery of unexpected news in obstetric ultrasound: The ASCKS framework
  11. Ultrasound clinical teaching capacity in England: A scoping exercise
  12. Response to the article by Mitchell, P., Nightingale, J., and Reeves, P. (2019). Competence to capability: An integrated career framework for sonographers. Radiography
  13. Can teaching ergonomics reduced grip force on an ultrasound transducer
  14. Uterine artery pulsatility and resistivity indices in pregnancy: Comparison of MRI and Doppler US
  15. Educating the future sonographic workforce: membership survey report from the British Medical Ultrasound Society
  16. Ultrasound clinical progress monitoring: Who, where and how?
  17. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in ultrasound: Can you reduce risk?
  18. Summative clinical competency assessment: A survey of ultrasound practitioners’ views
  19. Transvaginal Ultrasound Simulation and its Effect on Trainee Confidence Levels: A Replacement for Initial Clinical Training?
  20. Improving health care professionals’ feedback on communication skills: Development of an on-line resource
  21. On-line case discussion assessment in ultrasound: The effect on student centred and inter-professional learning
  22. A National Survey of Sonographers and their Reporting Practices in the General Medical Ultrasound Field
  23. Trends in Litigation Activity against Sonographers
  24. Fetal Biometry in Obstetric Practice