All Stories

  1. Menstrual migraine: a review of current and developing pharmacotherapies for women
  2. Migraine and pregnancy-related hypertension
  3. Treating migraine with contraceptives
  4. Community pharmacies as epidemiological sentinels of headache: first experience in Italy
  5. Spotlight on frovatriptan: a review of its efficacy in the treatment of migraine
  6. Acupuncture for the prevention of episodic migraine
  7. Acupuncture for the prevention of tension-type headache
  8. The use of progestogen-only pill in migraine patients
  9. Migraine attacks in the pharmacy: a gender subanalysis on treatment preferences
  10. Migraine in perimenopausal women
  11. Early (≤1-h) vs. late (>1-h) administration of frovatriptan plus dexketoprofen combination vs. frovatriptan monotherapy in the acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura: a post hoc analysis of a double-blind, randomized, parallel group s...
  12. CEP Cortelli Corrigendum for 515342
  13. Impact of transcatheter closure of patent foramen ovale in the evolution of migraine and role of residual shunt
  14. The efficacy and tolerability of frovatriptan and dexketoprofen for the treatment of acute migraine attacks
  15. Frovatriptan 2.5 mg plus dexketoprofen (25 mg or 37.5 mg) in menstrually related migraine. Subanalysis from a double-blind, randomized trial
  16. Endonasal mucosal contact points in chronic migraine
  17. Efficacy of frovatriptan and other triptans in the treatment of acute migraine of normal weight and obese subjects: a review of randomized studies
  18. Gender and triptan efficacy: a pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, crossover, multicenter, Italian studies comparing frovatriptan vs. other triptans
  19. Efficacy of early vs. late use of frovatriptan combined with dexketoprofen vs. frovatriptan alone in the acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura
  20. Ear acupuncture and fMRI: a pilot study for assessing the specificity of auricular points
  21. Acupuncture in cluster headache: four cases and review of the literature
  22. Effects of the acupoints PC 6 Neiguan and LR 3 Taichong on cerebral blood flow in normal subjects and in migraine patients
  23. Migraine attacks in the pharmacy: a survey in Piedmont, Italy
  24. Prevention, education and information: the role of the community pharmacist in the management of headaches
  25. Comparison of frovatriptan plus dexketoprofen (25 mg or 37.5 mg) with frovatriptan alone in the treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura: A randomized study
  26. Frovatriptan vs. other triptans for the acute treatment of oral contraceptive-induced menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, crossover, multicenter studies
  27. Efficacy of frovatriptan and other triptans in the treatment of acute migraine of hypertensive and normotensive subjects: a review of randomized studies
  28. The efficacy of ginkgolide B in the acute treatment of migraine aura: an open preliminary trial
  29. Frovatriptan plus dexketoprofen in the treatment of menstrually related migraine: an open study
  30. Migraine and pregnancy: an internet survey
  31. Frovatriptan vs other triptans in the treatment of menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, cross-over studies
  32. Frovatriptan vs other triptans in the treatment of menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, cross-over studies
  33. A review of the use of frovatriptan in the treatment of menstrually related migraine
  34. Treatment Strategies for Menstrually Related Migraine
  35. Italian survey on multiple factors determining an adequate acupuncture treatment
  36. Frovatriptan versus zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of migraine with aura: a subgroup analysis of a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian study
  37. Efficacy of frovatriptan versus other triptans in the acute treatment of menstrual migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, crossover, multicenter studies
  38. Acupressure in the control of migraine-associated nausea
  39. Premenstrual syndrome and migraine
  40. Headache and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a prospective study
  41. Ear acupuncture for migraine
  42. Evaluation of the use of sumatriptan–naproxen sodium for menstrual migraine and dysmenorrhea
  43. Almotriptan for menstrually related migraine
  44. Efficacy of frovatriptan in the acute treatment of menstrually related migraine: analysis of a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian, comparative study versus zolmitriptan
  45. Frovatriptan versus other triptans in the acute treatment of migraine: pooled analysis of three double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multicenter, Italian studies
  46. Ear acupuncture in the treatment of migraine attacks: a randomized trial on the efficacy of appropriate versus inappropriate acupoints
  47. Oral contraceptives in migraine therapy
  48. Acupuncture in primary headache treatment
  49. Effects of an estrogen-free, desogestrel-containing oral contraceptive in women with migraine with aura: a prospective diary-based pilot study
  50. Acupuncture Treatment as Breastfeeding Support: Preliminary Data
  51. Ear acupoint detection before and after hysteroscopy: is it possible to clarify the representation of the uterus on the outer ear?
  52. Almotriptan 12.5 mg in menstrually related migraine: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  53. Perimenstrual migraines and their response to preventive therapy with topiramate
  54. Time-Frequency Characterization of Cerebral Hemodynamics of Migraine Sufferers as Assessed by NIRS Signals
  55. Sumatriptan (50 mg tablets vs. 25 mg suppositories) in the acute treatment of menstrually related migraine and oral contraceptive-induced menstrual migraine: a pilot study
  56. Joint Metabonomic and Instrumental Analysis for the Classification of Migraine Patients with 677-MTHFR Mutations
  57. Frovatriptan versus zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of migraine: a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, Italian study
  58. The risks of women with migraine during pregnancy
  59. Non-pharmacological management of migraine during pregnancy
  60. Non-pharmacological approach to migraine prophylaxis: part II
  61. Ear acupuncture in unilateral migraine pain
  62. Evolution of migraine-associated symptoms in menstrually related migraine following symptomatic treatment with almotriptan
  63. Clinical review of headache in pregnancy
  64. Headache, anxiety and depressive disorders: the HADAS study
  65. Migraines with and without aura and their response to preventive therapy with topiramate
  66. Spectral changes of near-infrared spectroscopy signals in migraineurs with aura reveal an impaired carbon dioxide-regulatory mechanism
  67. Headache induced by the use of combined oral contraceptives
  68. Efficacy of Ginkgolide B in the prophylaxis of migraine with aura
  69. Oral contraceptives in migraine
  70. Migraine is a Risk Factor for Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy: A Prospective Cohort Study
  71. Acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis
  72. Acupuncture for tension-type headache
  73. Migraine preventive therapy with topiramate reduces the number of migraine auras: results from PROMPT, a randomised, placebo-controlled trial
  74. The diagnostic iter of patent foramen ovale in migraine patients: an update
  75. Patent foramen ovale detected by near-infrared spectroscopy in patients suffering from migraine with aura
  76. Migraine and stroke: the role of oral contraceptives
  77. Oral contraceptive-induced menstrual migraine. Clinical aspects and response to frovatriptan
  78. Cessation versus continuation of 6-month migraine preventive therapy with topiramate (PROMPT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
  79. Menstrual migraine: clinical and therapeutical aspects
  80. Why do we need NIRS in migraine?
  81. Naproxen sodium in short-term prophylaxis of pure menstrual migraine: pathophysiological and clinical considerations
  82. Headache and anxiety–depressive disorder comorbidity: the HADAS study
  83. Is migraine a risk factor in pregnancy?
  84. Biochemistry of neuromodulation in primary headaches: focus on anomalies of tyrosine metabolism
  85. Treatment of aura: solving the puzzle
  86. Efficacy and tolerability of almotriptan versus zolmitriptan for the acute treatment of menstrual migraine
  87. Preference for Rizatriptan 10-mg Wafer vs. Eletriptan 40-mg Tablet for Acute Treatment of Migraine
  88. The relationship between headache and preeclampsia: a case–control study
  89. Advanced strategies of short-term prophylaxis in menstrual migraine: state of the art and prospects
  90. Naratriptan in the short-term prophylaxis of pure menstrual migraine
  91. Early triptan intervention in migraine: an overview
  92. Ear acupuncture in the control of migraine pain: selecting the right acupoints by the “needle-contact test”
  93. Migraine with aura from pathophysiology to treatment: therapeutic strategies
  94. Update on menstrual migraine: from clinical aspects to therapeutical strategies
  95. Oral contraceptives in women with migraine: balancing risks and benefits
  96. Picotamide in migraine aura prevention: a pilot study
  97. Characteristics of Menstrual and Nonmenstrual Attacks in Women with Menstrually Related Migraine Referred to Headache Centres
  98. Acupuncture plus moxibustion to resolve breech presentation: a randomized controlled study
  99. What are the most important factors in the evaluation of an adequate acupuncture treatment: developing a possible scale to be used for systematic reviews on acupuncture
  100. Akupunktur bei idiopathischen Kopfschmerzen
  101. Acupuncture in the Prophylactic Treatment of Migraine Without Aura: A Comparison with Flunarizine
  102. Acupuncture for idiopathic headache
  103. Access to Databases in Complementary Medicine
  104. Acupuncture for Recurrent Headaches: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
  105. Pathophysiological aspects of menstrual migraine
  106. Patterns of platelet aggregation in menstrual migraine
  107. A Note on the Action of Glutamine on Cortical Spreading Depression
  108. Biological and Clinical Effects of Naproxen Sodium in Patients with Menstrual Migraine
  109. Relevance of Prostaglandins in True Menstrual Migraine
  110. Psychological Aspects of Weekend Headache Sufferers in Comparison with Migraine Patients
  111. Menstrual Migraine: New Biochemical and Psychological Aspects
  112. Correlation Between Platelet Sensitivity To Prostacyclin And Sex Hormones In Menstrual Migraine
  113. Pain threshold in unilateral migraine
  114. Menstrual migraine: A possible pathogenic implication of platelet function
  115. Lateralisation Phenomena during Migraine and Cluster Headache Attacks
  116. Platelet Aggregation and Platelet Sensitivity to Prostacyclin (Pgi2) in Patients with Menstrual Migraine
  117. Peripheral Plasma Levels of 6-KETO-PGF1α, Thromboxane B2 and Prostaglandin E in Patients with Menstrual Migraine
  118. Emicrania: la donna