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  1. What we can learn from TikTok through its Research API
  2. Navigating Multidimensional Ideologies with Reddit's Political Compass: Economic Conflict and Social Affinity
  3. Likelihood-Based Methods Improve Parameter Estimation in Opinion Dynamics Models
  4. The Thin Ideology of Populist Advertising on Facebook during the 2019 EU Elections
  5. Evidence of Demographic rather than Ideological Segregation in News Discussion on Reddit
  6. MaNIACS: Approximate Mining of Frequent Subgraph Patterns through Sampling
  7. Modeling Political Activism around Gun Debate via Social Media
  8. Social Norms on Reddit: A Demographic Analysis
  9. FreSCo: Mining Frequent Patterns in Simplicial Complexes
  10. MaNIACS
  11. Clandestino or Rifugiato?Anti-immigration Facebook Ad Targeting in Italy✱
  12. Approximate Mining of Frequent -Subgraph Patterns in Evolving Graphs
  13. Learning Opinion Dynamics From Social Traces
  14. Roots of Trumpism: Homophily and Social Feedback in Donald Trump Support on Reddit
  15. Mining Frequent Patterns in Evolving Graphs
  16. Quantifying Controversy on Social Media
  17. BoostVHT
  18. Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Top- k Densest Subgraphs
  19. Extracting Skill Endorsements from Personal Communication Data
  20. IoT Big Data Stream Mining
  21. Quantifying Controversy in Social Media
  22. Scalable Facility Location for Massive Graphs on Pregel-like Systems
  23. Efficient Online Evaluation of Big Data Stream Classifiers