All Stories

  1. A 10-year retrospective analysis (2012-2021) of hospitalizations resulting from dog bites in Southern Italy
  2. cglasso: An R Package for Conditional Graphical Lasso Inference with Censored and Missing Values
  3. The neglected status of the vermetid reefs in the Mediterranean Sea: A systematic map
  4. Robust estimation and regression with parametric quantile functions
  5. A multivariate statistical test for differential expression analysis
  6. Parametric estimation of non-crossing quantile functions
  7. A PCA-based clustering algorithm for the identification of stratiform and convective precipitation at the event scale: an application to the sub-hourly precipitation of Sicily, Italy
  8. Activation-Induced Rigidity in Neurologically and Cognitively Healthy Individuals Aged 18–90 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
  9. A model-based approach for assessing bronchodilator responsiveness in children: The conventional cutoff revisited
  10. APOE Genotypes and Brain Imaging Classes in Normal Cognition, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Longitudinal Study
  11. Migration and students' performance: detecting geographical differences following a curves clustering approach
  12. Refining the genetic structure and relationships of European cattle breeds through meta-analysis of worldwide genomic SNP data, focusing on Italian cattle
  13. The conditional censored graphical lasso estimator
  14. Genome‐wide detection of signatures of selection in three Valdostana cattle populations
  15. Genome-Wide Analyses Identifies Known and New Markers Responsible of Chicken Plumage Color
  16. Genome‐wide analyses reveal the regions involved in the phenotypic diversity in Sicilian pigs
  17. Isolated, Subtle Neurological Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment Types
  18. Mild Parkinsonian Signs in a Hospital-based Cohort of Mild Cognitive Impairment Types: A Cross-sectional Study
  19. A combined genome-wide approach identifies a new potential candidate marker associated with the coat color sidedness in cattle
  20. Combined approaches to identify genomic regions involved in phenotypic differentiation between low divergent breeds: Application in Sardinian sheep populations
  21. Genome-wide association study between CNVs and milk production traits in Valle del Belice sheep
  22. The Induced Smoothed lasso: A practical framework for hypothesis testing in high dimensional regression
  23. A penalized approach to covariate selection through quantile regression coefficient models
  24. Nociceptive Primitive Reflexes in Neurologically and Cognitively Healthy Aging Subjects
  25. Genome‐wide analysis identifies potentially causative genes explaining the phenotypic variability in Pinzirita sheep
  26. An association analysis to identify genetic variants linked to asthma and rhino-conjunctivitis in a cohort of Sicilian children
  27. Association Between Atrophy of the Caudate Nuclei, Global Brain Atrophy, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Mild Parkinsonian Signs in Neurologically and Cognitively Healthy Subjects Aged 45-84 Years: A Crosssectional Study
  28. Genome-wide association study reveals the locus responsible for microtia in Valle del Belice sheep breed
  29. Clusters of effects curves in quantile regression models
  30. Runs of homozygosity reveal genome-wide autozygosity in Italian sheep breeds
  31. Genome-wide scan for runs of homozygosity identifies potential candidate genes associated with local adaptation in Valle del Belice sheep
  32. Penalized classification for optimal statistical selection of markers from high-throughput genotyping: application in sheep breeds