All Stories

  1. Investigating sacred natural sites and protected areas for forest area changes in Italy
  2. Unveiling the complex canopy spatial structure of a Mediterranean old-growth beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest from UAV observations
  3. Old and ancient trees are life history lottery winners and vital evolutionary resources for long-term adaptive capacity
  4. Mediterranean old-growth forests exhibit resistance to climate warming
  5. Characterizing historical transformation trajectories of the forest landscape in Rome's metropolitan area (Italy) for effective planning of sustainability goals
  6. Italy: Forest harvesting is the opposite of green growth
  7. Warmer springs have increased the frequency and extension of late-frost defoliations in southern European beech forests
  8. Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 11
  9. On tree longevity
  10. In the Mediterranean Mountains, Some Sessile Oaks Can Live for a Millennium
  11. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Derived Canopy Gaps in the Old-Growth Beech Forest of Mount Pollinello (Italy): Preliminary Results
  12. Long‐term changes in Italian mountain forests detected by resurvey of historical vegetation data
  13. Radiocarbon dating of Aspromonte sessile oaks reveals the oldest dated temperate flowering tree in the world
  14. Forest carbon sink neutralized by pervasive growth-lifespan trade-offs
  15. A consilience-driven approach to land use history in relation to reconstructing forest land use legacies
  16. Climate–human interactions contributed to historical forest recruitment dynamics in Mediterranean subalpine ecosystems
  17. Toward the development of sustainable ecotourism in Italian national parks of the Apennines: insights from hiking guides
  18. A light‐demanding pine spreads into a closed forest
  19. Need for a global map of forest naturalness for a sustainable future
  20. Slow Growth Leads to Longevity in Temperate Hardwoods
  21. Lessons from the wild: slow but increasing long‐term growth allows for maximum longevity in European beech
  23. Lakes as paleoseismic records in a seismically-active, low-relief area (Rieti Basin, central Italy)
  24. Tree growth patterns associated with extreme longevity: implications for the ecology and conservation of primeval trees in Mediterranean mountains
  25. Geographical adaptation prevails over species‐specific determinism in trees’ vulnerability to climate change at Mediterranean rear‐edge forests
  26. Land Use and the Human Impact on the Environment in Medieval Italy
  27. Challenging X-ray Fluorescence Applications for Environmental Studies at XLab Frascati
  28. The oldest dated tree of Europe lives in the wild Pollino massif: Italus , a strip-bark Heldreich's pine
  29. The potential of paleoecology for functional forest restoration planning: lessons from Late Holocene Italian pollen records
  30. Historical ecology reveals landscape transformation coincident with cultural development in central Italy since the Roman Period
  31. Tree growth dynamics during early ontogenetic stages in closed forests
  32. Dating old hollow trees by applying a multistep tree-ring and radiocarbon procedure to trunk and exposed roots
  33. From the Late Medieval to Early Modern in the Rieti Basin (AD 1325–1601): Paleoecological and Historical Approaches to a Landscape in Transition
  34. Large-scale atmospheric circulation enhances the Mediterranean East-West tree growth contrast at rear-edge deciduous forests
  35. Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)
  36. Tree ring-based metrics for assessing old-growth forest naturalness
  37. From Landsat to leafhoppers: A multidisciplinary approach for sustainable stocking assessment and ecological monitoring in mountain grasslands
  38. Human and climatically induced environmental change in the Mediterranean during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age: A case from central Italy
  39. Silvicultural and logging impact on soil characteristics in Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Mediterranean coppice
  40. Missing Rings in Pinus halepensis – The Missing Link to Relate the Tree-Ring Record to Extreme Climatic Events
  41. Erratum to: Dendrochemical investigation on hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) in poplars by an integrated study of micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography
  42. Dendrochemical investigation on hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) in poplars by an integrated study of micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography
  43. Tree ring ecological signal is consistent with floristic composition and plant indicator values in MediterraneanFagus sylvaticaforests
  44. Vegetation patterns in the Southern Apennines (Italy) during MIS 13: Deciphering pollen variability along a NW-SE transect
  45. The longevity of broadleaf deciduous trees in Northern Hemisphere temperate forests: insights from tree-ring series
  46. 2700 years of Mediterranean environmental change in central Italy: a synthesis of sedimentary and cultural records to interpret past impacts of climate on society
  47. Natural regeneration and gender-specific spatial pattern of Taxus baccata in an old-growth population in Foresta Umbra (Italy)
  48. Phenorhythms and Forest Refugia
  49. Correction: Plasticity in Dendroclimatic Response across the Distribution Range of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis)
  50. Plasticity in Dendroclimatic Response across the Distribution Range of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis)
  51. Ecological behavior of Quercus suber and Quercus ilex inferred by topographic wetness index (TWI)
  52. A dendrochronological analysis of Pinus pinea L. on the Italian mid-Tyrrhenian coast
  53. Biogeoclimatic influences on tree growth releases identified by the boundary line method in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations of southern Europe
  54. Soil microarthropod communities from Mediterranean forest ecosystems in Central Italy under different disturbances
  55. Old-growth attributes in a network of Apennines (Italy) beech forests: Disentangling the role of past human interferences and biogeoclimate
  56. Bioclimate and growth history affect beech lifespan in the Italian Alps and Apennines
  57. Tree size distribution at increasing spatial scales converges to the rotated sigmoid curve in two old-growth beech stands of the Italian Apennines
  58. Communicating old-growth forest through an educational trail
  59. Combined dendroecological and normalized difference vegetation index analysis to detect regions of provenance in forest species
  60. Irrigation regime as a key factor to improve growth performance ofQuercus suberL.
  61. Climate change and oak growth decline: Dendroecology and stand productivity of a Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) old stored coppice in Central Italy
  62. Population ecology of yew (Taxus baccata L.) in the Central Apennines: spatial patterns and their relevance for conservation strategies
  63. Drought-driven growth reduction in old beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests of the central Apennines, Italy
  64. Bioclimatology of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the Eastern Alps: spatial and altitudinal climatic signals identified through a tree-ring network
  65. La hêtraie pluri-séculaire de la vallée Cervara (Parc national des Abruzzes, Italie)
  66. The evolutionary ecology of masting: does the environmental prediction hypothesis also have a role in mesic temperate forests?
  67. Long series relationships between global interannual CO2 increment and climate: Evidence for stability and change in role of the tropical and boreal-temperate zones
  68. Spatial and altitudinal bioclimatic zones of the Italian peninsula identified from a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tree-ring network
  69. Structure, dynamics and dendroecology of an old-growth Fagus forest in the Apennines
  70. A long-term tree ring beech chronology from a high-elevation old-growth forest of Central Italy
  71. Uncertainties in the role of land vegetation in the carbon cycle
  72. The Case for Genetic Engineering of Native and Landscape Trees against Introduced Pests and Diseases
  73. Climatic factors controlling reproduction and growth of Norway spruce in southern Norway
  74. Masting behaviour in beech: linking reproduction and climatic variation
  75. Winter North Atlantic oscillation effects on the tree rings of the Italian beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.)
  76. Biosistematica Vegetale
  77. Taxonomic evaluations of the genusPinus (Pinaceae) based on electrophoretic data of salt soluble and insoluble seed storage proteins
  78. Biologia Riproduttiva
  79. A taxonomic analysis of seed proteins inPinus spp.(Pinaceae)
  80. Sistematica, Filogenesi E Citotassonomia