All Stories

  1. Symmetries of the Dirac quantum walk and emergence of the de Sitter group
  2. Quantum cellular automaton theory of light
  3. Preface of the special issue quantum foundations: information approach
  4. Quantum walks, deformed relativity and Hopf algebra symmetries
  5. Quantum from Principles
  6. Free Quantum Field Theory from Quantum Cellular Automata
  7. Quantum Theory is an Information Theory
  8. Weyl, Dirac and Maxwell Quantum Cellular Automata
  9. Quantum field as a quantum cellular automaton: The Dirac free evolution in one dimension
  10. Quantum-Informational Principles for Physics
  11. It from Qubit
  12. Derivation of the Dirac equation from principles of information processing
  13. Preface
  14. The Dirac quantum automaton: a short review
  15. Path-integral solution of the one-dimensional Dirac quantum cellular automaton
  16. The Feynman problem and fermionic entanglement: Fermionic theory versus qubit theory
  17. Optimal processing of reversible quantum channels
  18. How much a quantum measurement is informative?
  19. Quantum reading of unitary optical devices
  20. Identification of a reversible quantum gate: assessing the resources
  21. Dirac quantum cellular automaton in one dimension: Zitterbewegung and scattering from potential
  22. Quantum computations without definite causal structure
  23. Emergence of space–time from topologically homogeneous causal networks
  24. Ideal quantum reading of optical memories
  25. Quantum Operator Permutation by Optical Means
  27. Quantum Theory, Namely the Pure and Reversible Theory of Information
  28. A Quantum-Digital Universe
  29. Spooky action-at-a-distance in general probabilistic theories
  30. Memory cost of quantum protocols
  31. Experimental implementation of unambiguous quantum reading
  32. The Dirac quantum automaton: A preview
  33. Physics as quantum information processing: Quantum fields as quantum automata
  34. Overview of novel approaches to quantum theory
  35. The quantum field as a quantum computer
  36. Cloning of a quantum measurement
  37. Quantum learning algorithms for quantum measurements
  38. Extremal quantum protocols
  39. Tradeoff between energy and error in the discrimination of quantum-optical devices
  40. Informational derivation of quantum theory
  41. Informational power of quantum measurements
  42. Quantum error correction with degenerate codes for correlated noise
  43. Minimal computational-space implementation of multiround quantum protocols
  44. Gregg Jaeger: Entanglement, Information, and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (The Frontiers Collection)
  45. No Signaling, Entanglement Breaking, and Localizability in Bipartite Channels
  46. Physics as Information Processing
  47. Physics as quantum information processing
  48. Physics as Information Processing
  49. Information-disturbance tradeoff in estimating a unitary transformation
  50. Purification of noisy quantum measurements
  51. Probabilistic theories with purification
  52. Optimal quantum learning of a unitary transformation
  53. Testing axioms for quantum theory on probabilistic toy-theories
  54. Barycentric decomposition of quantum measurements in finite dimensions
  55. On the “principle of the quantumness,” the quantumness of Relativity, and the computational grand-unification
  56. Theoretical framework for quantum networks
  57. Quantum no-stretching: A geometrical interpretation of the no-cloning theorem
  58. Realization schemes for quantum instruments in finite dimensions
  59. Adaptive Bayesian and frequentist data processing for quantum tomography
  60. Optimal covariant quantum networks
  61. Optimal Cloning of Unitary Transformation
  62. Memory Effects in Quantum Channel Discrimination
  63. Reexamination of quantum bit commitment: The possible and the impossible
  65. No-signalling, dynamical independence and the local observability principle
  66. Optimal phase estimation in quantum networks
  67. How Continuous Quantum Measurements in Finite Dimensions Are Actually Discrete
  68. Quantum Erasure of Decoherence
  69. Optimal Quantum Circuits for General Phase Estimation
  70. Homodyne Tomography and the Reconstruction of Quantum States of Light
  71. Economical realization of phase-covariant devices in arbitrary dimensions (Invited)
  72. Superbroadcasting and classical information
  73. Operational Axioms for Quantum Mechanics
  74. Operational Axioms for C[sup ∗]-algebra Representation of Transformations
  75. Quantum Information Becomes Classical When Distributed to Many Users
  76. Universal and phase-covariant superbroadcasting for mixed qubit states
  77. Extremal covariant measurements
  78. Superbroadcasting of continuous variable mixed states
  81. Optimal estimation of quantum observables
  82. How to Derive the Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics From Purely Operational Axioms
  83. On the missing axiom of Quantum Mechanicss
  84. Optimal time reversal of multiphase equatorial states
  85. Minimax discrimination of two Pauli channels
  86. Optimal phase estimation for qubits in mixed states
  87. Minimax quantum-state discrimination
  88. Inverting Quantum Decoherence by Classical Feedback from the Environment
  89. Superbroadcasting of Mixed States
  90. Clean positive operator valued measures
  91. Quantum Tomography for Imaging
  92. Generating qudits with d = 3 , 4 encoded on two-photon states
  93. Classical randomness in quantum measurements
  94. Operational distance and fidelity for quantum channels
  96. Economical phase-covariant cloning of qudits
  97. Efficient Universal Programmable Quantum Measurements
  98. Homodyning as Universal Detection
  99. Quantum Calibration of Measurement Instrumentation
  100. Covariant quantum measurements that maximize the likelihood
  101. Extremal covariant positive operator valued measures
  102. Extremal covariant quantum operations and positive operator valued measures
  103. 2 Quantum Tomographic Methods
  104. On the realization of Bell observables
  105. Physical realizations of quantum operations
  106. Imprinting Complete Information about a Quantum Channel on its Output State
  107. Exploiting quantum parallelism of entanglement for a complete experimental quantum characterization of a single-qubit device
  108. Local observables for entanglement detection of depolarized states
  109. Protocols for entanglement transformations of bipartite pure states
  110. Optimal phase-covariant cloning for qubits and qutrits
  111. Quantum Tomography
  112. Universal quantum observables
  113. Quantum tomography as a tool for the characterization of optical devices
  114. Using Entanglement Improves the Precision of Quantum Measurements
  115. Optimal quantum estimation of the coupling between two bosonic modes
  116. Erratum: Parameter estimation in quantum optics [Phys. Rev. A 62, 023815 (2000)]
  117. Continuous Variable Cloning via Network of Parametric Gates
  118. Quorum of observables for universal quantum estimation
  119. Toward a tomographic picture of a Bose–Einstein condensate
  120. Parameter estimation in quantum optics
  121. Phase-covariant quantum cloning
  122. Effect of losses on the visibility of mesoscopic entanglement
  123. Quantum Tomography: General Theory and New Experiments
  124. Quantum Tomography: General Theory and New Experiments
  125. Universal Teleportation with a Twist
  126. Universal quantum estimation
  127. Isotropic phase squeezing and the arrow of time
  128. Noise reduction in quantum tomography
  129. Tomographic Measurement of Joint Photon Statistics of the Twin-Beam Quantum State
  130. Universal homodyne tomography with a single local oscillator
  131. Adaptive quantum homodyne tomography
  132. Self-homodyne tomography of a twin-beam state
  133. Generation of phase-coherent states
  134. Robustness of homodyne tomography to phase-insensitive noise
  135. Robustness of homodyne tomography to phase-insensitive noise
  136. Quantum Measurement
  137. Arbitrary precision in multipath interferometry
  138. Homodyning as Universal Detection
  139. Feedback-assisted homodyne detection of phase shifts
  140. Feasible phase detection with ideal sensitivity
  141. A fictitious photons method for tomographic imaging
  142. Hypersensitivity to perturbation in the quantum kicked top
  143. Latest Developments in Quantum Tomography
  144. Quantum Tomography, Teleportation, and Cloning
  145. Quantum Cloning Optimal for Joint Measurements
  146. Probabilistic theories: What is special about Quantum Mechanics?
  147. Homodyne Characterizations of Active Optical Media
  148. Tomographic recovering of radiation state's Wigner distribution: a novel tool for characterizing optical devices