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  1. CD44 functions in Wnt signaling by regulating LRP6 localization and activation
  2. In vivo analysis of formation and endocytosis of the Wnt/ -Catenin signaling complex in zebrafish embryos
  3. Wnt Signaling at the Membrane
  4. Combinatorial Synthesis and High-Throughput Screening of Alkyl Amines for Nonviral Gene Delivery
  5. A biomimetic lipid library for gene delivery through thiol-yne click chemistry
  6. Wnt3 and Wnt3a are required for induction of the mid-diencephalic organizer in the caudal forebrain
  7. Emerging links between CDK cell cycle regulators and Wnt signaling
  8. The cell cycle and Wnt
  9. Cell Cycle Control of Wnt Receptor Activation
  10. Functional interactions between anthrax toxin receptors and the WNT signalling protein LRP6
  11. Wnt Induces LRP6 Signalosomes and Promotes Dishevelled-Dependent LRP6 Phosphorylation
  12. Casein kinase 1 γ couples Wnt receptor activation to cytoplasmic signal transduction
  13. Dkk1 and noggin cooperate in mammalian head induction
  14. Kremen proteins interact with Dickkopf1 to regulate anteroposterior CNS patterning
  15. Kremen proteins are Dickkopf receptors that regulate Wnt/β-catenin signalling
  16. Formin defines a large family of morphoregulatory genes and functions in establishment of the polarising region
  17. Mel 1a Melatonin Receptor Expression Is Regulated by Protein Kinase C and an Additional Pathway Addressed by the Protein Kinase C Inhibitor Ro 31–8220 in Ovine Pars Tuberalis Cells1
  18. Rearrangements of the Cytoskeleton and Cell Contacts Induce Process Formation during Differentiation of Conditionally Immortalized Mouse Podocyte Cell Lines
  19. Regulation of the Mel 1a melatonin receptor mRNA and protein levels in the ovine pars tuberalis: evidence for a cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-independent Mel 1a receptor coupling and an autoregulatory mechanism of expression.
  20. Differential regulation of melatonin receptors in sheep, chicken and lizard brains by cholera and pertussis toxins and guanine nucleotides
  21. Melatonin Receptors Couple Through a Cholera Toxin‐Sensitive Mechanism to Inhibit Cyclic AMP in the Ovine Pituitary
  22. Phospholipases and melatonin signal transduction in the ovine pars tuberalis
  23. p72, a Marker Protein for Melatonin Action in Ovine Pars tuberalis Cells: Its Regulation by Protein Kinase A and Protein Kinase C and Differential Secretion Relative to Prolactin
  24. Melatonin Regulates the Synthesis and Secretion of Several Proteins by Pars Tuberalis Cells of the Ovine Pituitary
  25. Interaction of Forskolin and Melatonin on Cyclic AMP Generation in Pars Tuberalis Cells of Ovine Pituitary
  26. Intracellular signalling in the ovine pars tuberalis: an investigation using aluminium fluoride and melatonin
  27. Ultrastructure of melatonin-responsive cells in the ovine pars tuberalis
  28. Both Pertussis Toxin‐Sensitive and Insensitive G‐Proteins Link Melatonin Receptor to Inhibition of Adenylate Cyclase in the Ovine Pars Tuberalis
  29. Melatonin Receptor Sites in the Syrian Hamster Brain and Pituitary. Localization and Characterization Using [125|]lodomelatonin*
  31. Melatonin Receptors on Ovine Pars Tuberalis: Characterization and Autoradiographicai Localization
  32. Guanine Nucleotides Regulate the Affinity of Melatonin Receptors on the Ovine Pars tuberalis