All Stories

  1. The numerology of gender: gendered perceptions of even and odd numbers
  2. Multiple Identities in Social Perception and Interaction: Challenges and Opportunities
  3. Implicit and Explicit Evaluation: A Brief Review of the Associative-Propositional Evaluation Model
  4. The voodoo doll task: Introducing and validating a novel method for studying aggressive inclinations
  5. Attitude Change
  6. Social Cognition and Perception
  7. Perspective taking combats the denial of intergroup discrimination
  8. Perspective Taking Undermines Stereotype Maintenance Processes: Evidence from Social Memory, Behavior Explanation, and Information Solicitation
  9. Are numbers gendered?
  10. Putting the brakes on aggression toward a romantic partner: The inhibitory influence of relationship commitment.
  11. Retribution and emotional regulation: The effects of time delay in angry economic interactions
  12. Automatic stereotyping against people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and affective disorders
  13. The Associative–Propositional Evaluation Model
  14. Perspective taking combats automatic expressions of racial bias.
  15. Biogenetic models of psychopathology, implicit guilt, and mental illness stigma
  16. Do people with mental illness deserve what they get? Links between meritocratic worldviews and implicit versus explicit stigma
  17. Automatically activated shame reactions and perceived legitimacy of discrimination: A longitudinal study among people with mental illness
  18. Social cognition
  19. Implicit Self-Stigma in People With Mental Illness
  20. Implicit versus explicit attitudes toward psychiatric medication: Implications for insight and treatment adherence
  21. Operating principles versus operating conditions in the distinction between associative and propositional processes
  22. Social Categorization and Stereotyping In vivo : The VUCA Challenge
  24. The Role of Gender in Mental-Illness Stigma
  25. Diversity in the person, diversity in the group: Challenges of identity complexity for social perception and social interaction
  26. Black + White = Black
  27. Unraveling the Processes Underlying Evaluation: Attitudes from the Perspective of the Ape Model
  28. I like it, because I like myself: Associative self-anchoring and post-decisional change of implicit evaluations
  29. Putting A Face on Person Perception
  30. Social Cognition
  31. Framing discrimination: Effects of inclusion versus exclusion mind-sets on stereotypic judgments.
  32. Categorizing the Social World: Affect, Motivation, and Self‐Regulation
  33. Associative and propositional processes in evaluation: An integrative review of implicit and explicit attitude change.
  34. Associative and propositional processes in evaluation: Conceptual, empirical, and metatheoretical issues: Reply to Albarracín, Hart, and McCulloch (2006), Kruglanski and Dechesne (2006), and Petty and Briñol (2006).
  35. We are, therefore they aren’t: Ingroup construal as a standard of comparison for outgroup judgments
  36. Resistance is futile: The unwitting insertion of analogical inferences in memory
  37. Accessibility Effects on Implicit Social Cognition: The Role of Knowledge Activation and Retrieval Experiences.
  38. Functional modularity in stereotype representation
  39. Ambiguity in Social Categorization. The Role of Prejudice and Facial Affect in Race Categorization
  40. Category membership moderates the inhibition of social identities
  41. Facing Prejudice
  42. Social Cognition
  43. Creating memory illusions: Expectancy-based processing and the generation of false memories
  44. I know you are, but what am I? Self-evaluative consequences of judging in-group and out-group members.
  45. I know you are, but what am I? Self-evaluative consequences of judging in-group and out-group members.
  46. Personalized versus Generalized Benefits of Stereotype Disconfirmation: Trade-offs in the Evaluation of Atypical Exemplars and Their Social Groups
  47. Social cognition: Categorical person perception
  48. Social Cognition: Thinking Categorically about Others
  49. Shifting social identities as a strategy for deflecting threatening social comparisons.
  50. Attention and Stereotyping: Cognitive Constraints on the Construction of Meaningful Social Impressions
  51. Shifting social identities as a strategy for deflecting threatening social comparisons.
  52. Seeing More Than We Can Know: Visual Attention and Category Activation
  53. Contexts of Cryptomnesia: May the Source Be with You
  54. On disregarding deviants: Exemplar typicality and person perception
  55. Tales of the unexpected: Executive function and person perception.
  56. Tales of the unexpected: Executive function and person perception.
  57. On Activating Exemplars
  58. Saying no to unwanted thoughts: Self-focus and the regulation of mental life.
  59. Saying no to unwanted thoughts: Self-focus and the regulation of mental life.
  60. On the Activation of Social Stereotypes: The Moderating Role of Processing Objectives
  61. On regulation of recollection: The intentional forgetting of stereotypical memories.
  62. On regulation of recollection: The intentional forgetting of stereotypical memories.
  63. "Family Values" and Political Persuasion: Impact of Kin-Related Rhetoric on Reactions to Political Campaigns1
  64. On Resisting the Temptation for Simplification: Counterintentional Effects of Stereotype Suppression on Social Memory
  65. Effects of Atypical Exemplars on Racial Beliefs: Enlightened Racism or Generalized Appraisals
  66. The dissection of selection in person perception: Inhibitory processes in social stereotyping.
  67. The dissection of selection in person perception: Inhibitory processes in social stereotyping.
  68. Happiness and stereotypic thinking in social judgment.
  69. Negative affect and social judgment: The differential impact of anger and sadness
  70. Happiness and stereotypic thinking in social judgment.
  71. Stereotypes as energy-saving devices: A peek inside the cognitive toolbox.
  72. Out of mind but back in sight: Stereotypes on the rebound.
  73. Stereotypes as energy-saving devices: A peek inside the cognitive toolbox.
  74. Out of mind but back in sight: Stereotypes on the rebound.
  75. Emotions, Arousal, and Stereotypic Judgments: A Heuristic Model of Affect and Stereotyping
  76. Information-Processing Functions of Generic Knowledge Structures and Their Role in Context Effects in Social Judgment
  77. Identity and cooperative social behavior: Pseudospeciation or human integration?
  78. Stereotypes as Judgmental Heuristics: Evidence of Circadian Variations in Discrimination
  79. Second-Guessing the Jury: Stereotypic and Hindsight Biases in Perceptions of Court Cases1
  80. On the trait implications of social behaviors: Kindness, intelligence, goodness, and normality ratings for 400 behavior statements
  81. Stereotypic biases in social decision making and memory: Testing process models of stereotype use.
  82. Stereotypic biases in social decision making and memory: Testing process models of stereotype use.
  83. Social Cognition and Social Reality: Information Acquisition and use in the Laboratory and the Real World
  84. Social stereotypes and information-processing strategies: The impact of task complexity.
  85. Social stereotypes and information-processing strategies: The impact of task complexity.
  86. Cognitive mediators of reactions to rape.
  87. Emotional communication in close relationships.
  88. Effects of stereotypes in decision making and information-processing strategies.
  89. Cognitive mediators of reactions to rape.
  90. Effects of stereotypes in decision making and information-processing strategies.
  91. Emotional communication in close relationships.
  92. Event memory: The temporal organization of social action sequences.
  93. Event memory: The effects of processing objectives and time delay on memory for action sequences.
  94. Event memory: The temporal organization of social action sequences.
  95. Event memory: The effects of processing objectives and time delay on memory for action sequences.
  96. The cognitive representation of persons and groups and its effect on recall and recognition memory
  97. Aversive heterosexism: Implications for progress in the pursuit of gay rights
  98. How self-construal shapes the bowling alone effect
  99. "Bowling alone": A social cognitive perspective
  100. Affective influences on inhibitory processing
  101. Do Subtypes Mediate Stereotype Change?
  102. Attitude Change
  103. Social Categorization
  104. Anxiety and automatic stereotype activation
  105. Implicit prejudice, facial affect, and the categorization of ambiguous ethnicity
  106. Facing prejudice: Implicit prejudice and the perception of hostility
  107. How Self-Construal Shapes Satisfaction of Belonging Needs
  108. Stereotypes and Stereotyping
  109. Perspective-Taking as a Strategy for Combating Contemporary Racial Bias
  110. Implicit Self-Stigma in People with Mental Illness
  111. Stereotype-consistent information directs categorization of multiply-categorizable targets
  112. Social Traits and the Detection of Deception
  113. Race and rage: Implicit prejudice and the detection of facial anger
  114. Centrality of identity moderates shifting social identities as a strategy for deflecting threatening social comparisons
  115. Undermining Stereotype Maintenance Processes: Effects of Perspective Taking
  116. Effects of Socio-Cultural Information on Racial Categorization of Ambiguous Targets
  117. Accessible Content vs. Accessibility Experiences: A Dissociation Between Explicit And Implicit Measures
  118. Oh, that's nothing! Lay perceptions of legal discrimination depend on group membership
  119. Shame-Related Beliefs Regarding Mental Illness Measure
  120. The effects of counter-stereotypical versus counter-evaluative training in implicit prejudice regulation
  121. Implicit theories of stability and malleability of mental illness: Relationship with mental illness stigma
  122. Biogenetic Models, Implicit Guilt and Mental Illness Stigma
  123. Evaluation by the numbers: Impacts of qualitative numerical associations on consumer judgment
  124. Accessibility effects on implicit attitudes: The role of accessible content versus accessibility experiences
  125. Perspective taking as a buffer against automatic race bias following exposure to a black target
  126. Social Psychological Models of Mental Illness Stigma.
  127. Stereotyping and Impression Formation: How Categorical Thinking Shapes Person Perception
  128. Social Categorization and the Perception of Social Groups