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  1. The effect of urbanization on the functional and scale-sensitive diversity of bird assemblages in Central India
  2. Temporal patterns in the activity density and sex ratio of isopods (Oniscidea, Isopoda) along an urbanization gradient in Denmark
  3. The use of percentile-percentile plots to compare differences in seasonal dynamics, illustrated by the case of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) reacting to urbanisation
  4. Applicability and Feasibility of Systematic Review for Performing Evidence-Based Risk Assessment in Food and Feed Safety
  5. Predation pressure in Ugandan cotton fields measured by a sentinel prey method
  6. Seasonal dynamics, age structure and reproduction of four Carabus species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) living in forested landscapes in Hungary
  7. ThePREDICTSdatabase: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
  8. No increase in fluctuating asymmetry in ground beetles (Carabidae) as urbanisation progresses
  9. Density and Seasonal Dynamics of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Mediterranean on Common Crops and Weeds Around Cotton Fields in Northern China
  10. Quantifying predation pressure along an urbanisation gradient in Denmark using artificial caterpillars
  11. Assessing and monitoring impacts of genetically modified plants on agro-ecosystems: the approach of AMIGA project
  12. Asymmetric consequences of host plant occupation on the competition between the whiteflies Bemisia tabaci cryptic species MEAM1 and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
  13. Environmental risk assessment for plant pests: A procedure to evaluate their impacts on ecosystem services
  14. Increased mortality is predicted of Inachis io larvae caused by Bt-maize pollen in European farmland
  15. Modern Examples of Extinctions
  16. Survival and development of a stored-product pest,Sitophilus zeamais(Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and its natural enemy, the parasitoidLariophagus distinguendus(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), on transgenicBtmaize
  17. Cry Toxins in Transgenic Plants Have Direct Effects on Natural Enemies in the Laboratory
  18. Shifting Preference between Oviposition vs. Host-Feeding under Changing Host Densities in Two Aphelinid Parasitoids
  19. Megadiverse developing countries face huge risks from invasives
  20. Can carabidologists spot a pitfall? The non-equivalence of two components of sampling effort in pitfall-trapped ground beetles (Carabidae)
  21. Forty years of carabid beetle research in Europe – from taxonomy, biology, ecology and population studies to bioindication, habitat assessment and conservation
  22. Would You Start from Here?
  23. Cry Toxins and Proteinase Inhibitors in Transgenic Plants Do Have Non-Zero Effects on Natural Enemies in the Laboratory: Rebuttal to Shelton et al. 2009: Table 1.
  24. Does urbanization decrease diversity in ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblages?
  25. Carabids climbing maize plants
  26. Structure and seasonal dynamics of larval, pupal, and adult coccinellid (Col., Coccinellidae) assemblages in two types of maize fields in Hungary1
  27. Distribution and bionomics of ladybird beetles (Col., Coccinellidae) living in an apple orchard near Budapest, Hungary1
  28. Conservation Focus on Europe: Major Conservation Policy Issues That Need to Be Informed by Conservation Science
  29. Dummy caterpillars as a simple method to assess predation rates on invertebrates in a tropical agroecosystem
  30. Transgenic Insecticidal Crops and Natural Enemies: A Detailed Review of Laboratory Studies
  31. Time-consistent rearrangement of carabid beetle assemblages by an urbanisation gradient in Hungary
  32. BOOK REVIEWS - Genetically Modified Organisms in Crop Production and their Effects on the Environment: Methodologies for Monitoring the Way Ahead. Edited by K. Gosh and P. C. Jepson. Rome: FAO (2006), pp. 123, US$32.00. ISBN 978-92-5-105598-4.
  33. Tri-Trophic Interactions Between Bt Cotton, the Herbivore Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae), and the Predator Chrysopa pallens (Rambur) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
  34. Real-time PCR quantification of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B-biotype remains in predator guts
  35. Ecosystem services and biodiversity in developing countries
  36. Patterns in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages along an urbanisation gradient in Denmark
  37. Composition of terrestrial isopod assemblages along an urbanisation gradient in Denmark
  38. Extinctions, Modern Examples of
  39. Body size changes in ground beetle assemblages ? a reanalysis of Braun et al. (2004)'s data
  40. Body size inequality of carabids along an urbanisation gradient
  41. Ecological risk assessment for Bt crops
  42. The influence of matrix and edges on species richness patterns of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in habitat islands
  43. The influence of matrix and edges on species richness patterns of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in habitat islands
  44. Transmission of Bt Toxin to the Predator Propylaea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Through Its Aphid Prey Feeding on Transgenic Bt Cotton
  45. Generalised entropy indices have a long history in ecology -a comment
  46. Hitching a lift
  47. The impact of transgenic plants on natural enemies: a critical review of laboratory studies
  48. Seasonal dynamics and reproductive phenology of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in fragments of native forest in the Manawatu, North Island, New Zealand
  49. Prey-mediated effects of the protease inhibitor aprotinin on the predatory carabid beetle Nebria brevicollis
  50. Adult mortality and minimum lifespan of the ground beetleHarpalus affinis(Coleoptera: Carabidae) in New Zealand
  51. Tri-trophic effect on predator feeding: consumption by the carabid Harpalus affinis of Heliothis armigera caterpillars fed on proteinase inhibitor-containing diet
  52. Dispersal and effects of barriers on the movement of the New Zealand hover flyMelanostoma fasciatum(Dipt., Syrphidae) on cultivated land
  53. The Ecology and Behavior of Ground Beetles
  54. Diets and Reproductive Phenologies of the Introduced Ground Beetles Harpalus-Affinis and Clivina-Australasiae (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in New-Zealand
  55. Pollen feeding by adults of the hoverflyMelanostoma fasciatum(Diptera: Syrphidae)
  56. Structure of Ladybird (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Assemblages in Apple: Changes through Developmental Stages
  57. Digestion rate in relation to alternative feeding in three species of polyphagous predators
  58. Passerine Migration between the Palaearctic and Africa
  59. Trans-Saharan bird migration
  60. Quick detection of resistant phenotypes with high esterase activity in two species of aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae)
  61. Winter recurrence, weights and wing lengths of wrynecksjynx torquillaon a southern Italian Island
  62. Migration and wintering of the BlackcapSylvia atricapillaon a Mediterranean island
  63. Digestion rate in relation to starvation in the larva of a carabid predator, Poecilus cupreus
  65. Wing shape variations of Chiffchaffs on autumn migration in Hungary
  66. Methodology to support non-target and biodiversity risk assessment.
  67. Non-target and biological diversity risk assessment.
  68. Biodiversity and non-target impacts: a case study of Bt maize in Kenya.
  69. Potential effects of transgenic cotton on flower visitors in Vietnam.
  70. Challenges and opportunities with Bt cotton in Vietnam: synthesis and recommendations.