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  1. Nonenhancing peritumoral hyperintense lesion on diffusion-weighted imaging in glioblastoma: a novel diagnostic and specific prognostic indicator
  2. Transsphenoidal Posterior Pituitary Lobe Biopsy in Patients with Neurohypophysial Lesions
  3. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy detection of high lipid levels in intraaxial tumors without central necrosis: a characteristic of malignant lymphoma
  4. The postirradiation incidence of cavernous angioma is higher in patients with childhood pineoblastoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumors than medulloblastoma
  5. Evaluation of cerebellar mutism by arterial spin-labeling perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT): a case report
  6. Gemcitabine Overcomes Erlotinib Resistance in EGFR-Overexpressing Cancer Cells through Downregulation of Akt
  7. Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Human Brain Tumors at MR Imaging
  8. Expression of survivin in astrocytic tumors
  9. Interhemispheric arachnoid cyst in the elderly
  10. Recurrence of meningiomas