All Stories

  1. The Struggles and Challenges of Academic Publishing for Researchers and Learners
  2. The Complexities of Innovation and Innovative Strategies in Academic Libraries
  3. Exploring Transformation in an Entrepreneurial Academic Library
  4. Harnessing the economic value of indigenous knowledge in Kenya: a qualitative review of the legal framework
  5. Enhancing Business Competencies in Library and Information Science Program: A Case Study of Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
  6. LGBTQ+ Books on Library Shelves: The Predicaments of Libraries in Africa
  7. Incorporating business courses into LIS programs in Hungary: An examination of ALA-accredited programs
  8. IFLA’s role in the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty
  9. Digital Transformation of Academic Libraries in Developing Countries in Africa
  10. Community knowledge and the role of libraries and librarians in the current digital age
  11. Plagiarism conundrum in Kenyan universities: an impediment to quality research
  12. Libraries and Library Professions in Africa, in Confront of the Emerging Trends and Challenges
  13. Predatory Publishing: A Catalyst of Misinformation and Disinformation Amongst Academicians and Learners in Developing Countries
  14. Innovation strategies in academic libraries using business entrepreneurial theories: Analysis of competing values framework and disruptive innovation theory
  15. Explosion of digital resources and its effects on the development of digital reading culture in Africa
  16. Perception of international students on the role of university library during COVID-19 lockdown in Hungary
  17. Roles and emerging trends of academic libraries in Kenya
  18. Emerging Roles of Libraries and Librarians During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic