All Stories

  1. Assessing alternative indicators for Covid-19 policy evaluation, with a counterfactual for Sweden
  3. Bibliometric evaluation vs. informed peer review: Evidence from Italy
  4. Model averaging estimation of generalized linear models with imputed covariates
  5. Testing for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity in generalized linear models for panel data
  6. Price as a Signal of Product Quality: Some Experimental Evidence
  7. Econometric Methods for Ordered Responses: Some Recent Developments
  8. Household Environment and Child Health in Egypt
  9. Using panel data for partial identification of human immunodeficiency virus prevalence when infection status is missing not at random
  10. 17 Patterns of cognitive ageing
  11. Distributional vs. Quantile Regression
  12. The heterogeneous thresholds ordered response model: identification and inference
  13. Ageing, cognitive abilities and retirement
  14. Asymptotically efficient estimation of the conditional expected shortfall
  15. Heterogeneity in health responses and anchoring vignettes
  16. Early-life environment, height and BMI of young men in Italy
  17. Regression with imputed covariates: A generalized missing-indicator approach
  18. Estimating Engel curves under unit and item nonresponse
  19. Estimating Income Poverty in the Presence of Missing Data and Measurement Error
  20. Labour Mobility and Retirement
  21. Ageing, Cognitive Abilities and Retirement
  22. Height and the normal distribution: evidence from italian military data
  23. Aging, Cognitive Abilities and Retirement in Europe
  24. Regression with Imputed Covariates: A Generalized Missing Indicator Approach
  25. Estimating Income Poverty in the Presence of Missing Data and Measurement Error
  26. Estimating Income Poverty in the Presence of Missing Data and Measurement Error
  27. On estimating the conditional expected shortfall
  28. Height and Economic Development in Italy, 1730–1980
  29. Fiscal Implications of Pension Reforms in Italy
  30. Height and Economic Development in Italy, 1730-1980
  31. On Estimating the Conditional Expected Shortfall
  32. Youth Unemployment and Retirement of the Elderly: The Case of Italy
  33. Gender and Regional Differences in Self-Rated Health in Europe
  34. Height and the Normal Distribution: Evidence from Italian Military Data
  35. A Sample Selection Model for Unit and Item Nonresponse in Cross-Sectional Surveys
  36. The effects of income imputation on microanalyses: evidence from the European Community Household Panel
  37. Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal
  38. Chapter 5 Educational Wage Premia and the Distribution of Earnings: An International Perspective
  39. Drug compliance, co-payment and health outcomes: evidence from a panel of Italian patients
  40. Survey response and survey characteristics: microlevel evidence from the European Community Household Panel
  41. The Length of Working Lives in Europe
  42. Fiscal Implications of Pension Reforms in Italy
  43. Drug Compliance, Co-Payment and Health Outcomes: Evidence from a Panel of Italian Patients
  44. Convergence in Pre-capita GDP Across European Regions: A Reappraisal
  45. Survey Response and Survey Characteristics: Micro-level Evidence from the European Commission Household Panel
  46. Introduction
  47. Social Security Wealth and Retirement Decisions in Italy
  48. Differential Mortality and the Design of the Italian System of Public Pensions
  49. Pensions and Retirement Incentives. A Tale of Three Countries: Italy, Spain and the USA
  50. Sample attrition and labor force dynamics: Evidence from the Spanish labor force survey
  51. The European Community Household Panel: A review
  52. On estimating conditional quantiles and distribution functions
  53. Pensions: More Information, Less Ideology
  54. Annex
  55. Ageing in Europe: What Can We Learn from the Europanel?
  56. Introduction
  57. The future of pensions in Europe
  58. Social Security and Retirement in Spain
  59. How representative are matched cross-sections? Evidence from the Current Population Survey
  60. The Conditional Distribution of Excess Returns: An Empirical Analysis
  61. Trends in Labor Force Transitions of Older Men and Women
  62. Editors' introduction
  63. Classification and aggregation: An application to industrial classification in cps data
  64. Bounded-influence estimators for the SURE model
  65. Robust M-Tests
  66. Bounded-influence estimators for the tobit model
  67. Reply
  68. Robust m-estimators
  69. Econometric reviews
  70. Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal
  71. . Health Status, Welfare Programs Participation, and Labor Force Activity in Italy
  72. Youth Unemployment and Retirement of the Elderly
  73. Micro-Modeling of Retirement Behavior in Italy
  74. Micro-Modeling of Retirement Behavior in Spain
  75. Youth Unemployment and Retirement of the Elderly