All Stories

  1. Scared, Bored or Happy? Latent Profile Analyses of Primary School Students’ Academic Emotions about Math
  2. Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Family Engagement: Insights from the Initial Teacher Education Syllabus
  3. “With a little help from my friends”: Effects of a self-reflection tool and social interaction on orthographic performance
  4. Resilience and mental health in practicing chilean teachers during the pandemic
  5. Am I a math person? Linking math identity with students’ motivation for mathematics and achievement
  6. When competence and confidence are at odds: a cross-country examination of the Dunning–Kruger effect
  7. Effects of grade retention in lower secondary education on students' self‐concept, self‐esteem, goal orientations, and school career
  8. ‘Am I to blame because my child is not motivated to do math?’: Relationships between parents’ attitudes, beliefs and practices towards mathematics and students’ mathematics motivation and achievement
  9. Job demands and resources as predictors of well-being in portuguese teachers
  10. Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students
  11. One Step Back or One Step Forward? Effects of Grade Retention and School Retention Composition on Portuguese Students’ Psychosocial Outcomes Using PISA 2018 Data
  12. Adapting as I Go: An Analysis of the Relationship between Academic Expectations, Self-Efficacy, and Adaptation to Higher Education
  13. Differentiated instruction: ‘to be, or not to be, that is the question’
  14. Academic achievement and intrinsic motivation in higher education students: an analysis of the impact of using concept maps
  15. Cognitive appraisals, achievement emotions, and students’ math achievement: A longitudinal analysis.
  16. Effectiveness of grade retention: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  17. “To give someone a fish or teach them how to fish?”: effects of a self-reflection tool on orthographic performance in Portuguese children
  18. Emotional profiles regarding maths among primary school children – A two-year longitudinal study
  19. Perceived classroom support: Longitudinal effects on students' achievement emotions
  20. ‘Positive Education’: A Professional Learning Programme to Foster Teachers’ Resilience and Well-Being
  21. Aesthetic development in children, adolescents and young adults
  22. Regulation of cognition: Validation of a short scale for Portuguese first-year university students
  23. Teacher identity: can ethical orientation be related to perceived competence, psychological needs satisfaction, commitment and global self-esteem?
  24. “To g or not to g?” — Analysis of the dimensional structure of a cognitive abilities’ battery
  25. Escala de Satisfação no Domínio Académico em Universitários Portugueses
  26. Fostering teachers’ resilience and well-being through professional learning: effects from a training programme
  27. The Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire: a study with Portuguese elementary school children
  28. Teachers' Resilience Scale
  29. Academic Expectations Questionnaire: A Proposal for a Short Version
  30. Efeitos do género, tempo de serviço e orientação religiosa da escola na dimensão ética e afetiva da identidade docente
  31. Resilience in Education
  32. A Multidimensional View on Pre-service Teacher Resilience in Germany, Ireland, Malta and Portugal
  33. Impacto da transição de ciclo no autoconceito, autoestima e motivação
  34. Motivação e emoções na aprendizagem da matemática no ensino básico
  35. “To learn, or to be the best?”: Achievement goal profiles in pre-adolescents
  36. Portuguese validation of the family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scale – FACES IV
  37. Mathematics: I don't like it! I like it! Very much, a little, not at all... Social support and emotions in students from 2nd and 3rd cycles of education
  38. Corrigendum: “To be or not to be Retained… That's the Question!” Retention, Self-esteem, Self-concept, Achievement Goals and Grades
  39. Emoções face à matemática e progressão na escolaridade – Estudo longitudinal com alunos do 5º e 7º anos de escolaridade
  40. Validação da Escala de Autoconceito e Autoestima para Pré-adolescentes (EAAPA) e Análise da Estrutura Organizativa do Autoconceito
  41. “To be or not to be Retained … That’s the Question!” Retention, Self-esteem, Self-concept, Achievement Goals, and Grades
  42. The Goal Orientations Scale (GOS): Validation for Portuguese students
  43. “How do you feel about math?”: relationships between competence and value appraisals, achievement emotions and academic achievement
  44. Emoções em contexto académico: Relações com clima de sala de aula, autoconceito e resultados escolares.
  45. Intrinsic Motivation Inventory: Psychometric Properties in the Context of First Language and Mathematics Learning
  46. The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire: Validation for Pre-Adolescent Students
  47. Achievement Emotions Questionnaire for Pre-Adolescents
  48. Tipo de ensino e autoconceito artístico de adolescentes
  49. “Os meus pais só me criticam” – Relações entre práticas educativas parentais (perfecionismo e crítica) e a autoestima, o autoconceito académico, a motivação e a utilização de estratégias de self-handicapping
  50. Contributo para o estudo da Escala de Valores Humanos de Schwartz em professores
  51. Relações entre o estatuto escolar e o autoconceito, auto-estima e orientações motivacionais em alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade
  52. Dinâmicas grupais na adolescência
  53. Motivação para a leitura ao longo da escolaridade
  54. Satisfação profissional e auto-estima em professores dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos do Ensino Básico
  55. Qualidade das relações familiares, auto-estima, autoconceito e rendimento académico
  56. Attitudes towards Mathematics: Effects of Individual, Motivational, and Social Support Factors
  57. A organização do autoconceito: análise da estrutura hierárquica em adolescentes
  58. Self-concept, self-esteem and academic achievement: strategies for maintaining self-esteem in students experiencing academic failure
  59. Social representations of intelligence: structure and effects of some sociocognitive variables
  60. Self-esteem and Academic Achievement Among Adolescents