All Stories

  1. Interactions between vegetation and river morphodynamics. Part II: Why is a functional trait framework important?
  2. Interactions between vegetation and river morphodynamics. Part I: Research clarifications and challenges
  3. Drivers of Macroinvertebrate Communities in Mediterranean Rivers: A Mesohabitat Approach
  4. Adaptation measures to global change in the Serpis River Basin (Spain): An evaluation considering agricultural benefits, environmental flows, and invasive fishes
  5. A large flood resets riverine morphology, improves connectivity and enhances habitats of a regulated river
  6. Coupling hydrological, habitat and water supply indicators to improve the management of environmental flows
  7. Adaptive Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Ecosystem Health in the Serpis River Basin
  8. Novel Methodology to assess impact of hydropower plants regulation on several fish species
  9. Changes in stream power and morphological adjustments at the event-scale and high spatial resolution along an ephemeral gravel-bed channel
  10. A Top-Down Meets Bottom-Up Approach for Climate Change Adaptation in Water Resource Systems
  11. Combination of techniques to Assess Event-Scale Sediment Budgets along a Gravel-Bed Ephemeral Stream
  12. Habitat evaluation for the endangered fish species Lefua echigonia in the Yagawa River, Japan
  13. Integrating Hydrological Modelling and Ecosystem Functioning for Environmental Flows in Climate Change Scenarios in the Zambezi River (Zambezi Region, Namibia)
  14. Generalized additive models to predict adult and young brown trout (Salmo truttaLinnaeus, 1758)densities in Mediterranean rivers
  15. Riparian evapotranspiration modelling: model description and implementation for predicting vegetation spatial distribution in semi-arid environments
  16. Variabilidad temporal de caudales: aplicación a la gestión de ríos regulados