All Stories

  1. Heat and mass transfer in heated concrete: evaluation and validation of five numerical models
  2. Poro-mechanical model of strain hysteresis due to cyclic water freezing in partially saturated porous media
  3. Dynamics of fracturing saturated porous media and self-organization of rupture
  4. Experimental and numerical investigation of the alkali-silica reaction in the cement-based materials
  5. On reliable predicting risk and nature of thermal spalling in heated concrete
  6. Numerical Modelling
  7. Isogeometric Analysis of a Multiphase Porous Media Model for Concrete
  8. Coupled numerical simulation of fire in tunnel
  9. Macroscopic and mesoscopic approach to the alkali-silica reaction in concrete
  10. Numerical Model of the Alkali-silica Reaction Development with External Source of Alkalis
  11. Concrete Exposed to Fire: From Fire Scenario to Structural Response
  12. Multiphase Flow in Deforming Porous Media: A Review
  13. Modeling Strains of Concrete Induced by Delayed Ettringite Formation in Variable Hygro-Thermal Conditions
  14. A multiphysics model for concrete at early age applied to repairs problems
  15. Hygrothermal-Chemical Couplings in Degradation of Cementitious Materials
  16. Towards a framework for non‐linear thermal models in shell domains
  17. Fully coupled numerical simulation of fire in tunnels: From fire scenario to structural response
  18. Modelling of hydro-thermo-chemo-mechanical phenomena in building materials
  19. Modeling of Water Migration during Internal Curing with Superabsorbent Polymers
  20. Sensitivity analysis applied to finite element method model for coupled multiphase system
  21. Modelling Chemical Processes in Cement Based Materials by Means of Multiphase Porous Media Mechanics
  22. Modeling alkali–silica reaction in non-isothermal, partially saturated cement based materials
  23. Modeling of internal curing in maturing mortar
  24. What physical phenomena can be neglected when modelling concrete at high temperature? A comparative study. Part 1: Physical phenomena and mathematical model
  25. What physical phenomena can be neglected when modelling concrete at high temperature? A comparative study. Part 2: Comparison between models
  26. An Overview of Modeling Cement Based Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Mechanics of Multi-Phase Porous Media
  27. Thermal coupling of fluid flow and structural response of a tunnel induced by fire
  28. A general framework for modeling long-term behavior of earth and concrete dams
  29. Work input for unsaturated elastic porous media
  30. Modeling deterioration of cementitious materials exposed to calcium leaching in non-isothermal conditions
  31. The solid phase stress tensor in porous media mechanics and the Hill–Mandel condition
  32. Modeling of cementitious materials exposed to isothermal calcium leaching, considering process kinetics and advective water flow. Part 1: Theoretical model
  33. Modeling of cementitious materials exposed to isothermal calcium leaching, considering process kinetics and advective water flow. Part 2: Numerical solution
  34. Modeling cementitious materials as multiphase porous media: theoretical framework and applications
  35. Modeling Hygro-thermal Performance and Strains of Cementitious Building Materials Maturing in Variable Conditions
  36. Thermo-hydro-chemical couplings considered in safety assessment of shallow tunnels subjected to fire load
  37. Comments to the paper “An application of a damage constitutive model to concrete at high temperature and prediction of spalling” by Rosen Tenchev and Phil Purnell [Int. J. Solids Struct. 42 (26) (2005) 6550–6565]
  38. Towards prediction of the thermal spalling risk through a multi-phase porous media model of concrete
  39. Modelling creep and shrinkage of concrete by means of effective stresses
  40. Finite element analysis of various methods for protection of concrete structures against spalling during fire
  41. Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of concrete at early ages and beyond. Part I: hydration and hygro-thermal phenomena
  42. Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of concrete at early ages and beyond. Part II: shrinkage and creep of concrete
  43. Finite element analysis of non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials with application to strain localization simulation
  44. Multiphase flow in deforming porous material
  45. Modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour of concrete at high temperature with thermo-chemical and mechanical material degradation
  46. A frontal solver tuned for fully coupled non-linear hygro-thermo-mechanical problems
  47. Concrete at high temperature with application to tunnel fire
  48. Modelling of heated concrete
  49. Simulation of damage-permeability coupling in hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of concrete at high temperature
  50. Modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour and damage of concrete at temperature above the critical point of water
  51. A New Approach in the Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Concrete at High Temperature
  52. A Multiphase Approach for the Analysis of Hygro-Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical Interactions in Concrete at Early Ages and at High Temperature