All Stories
- ArticleA complex system approach to language evolution
- ArticleEffect of network clustering on mutually cooperative coinfections
- ArticleMutually cooperative epidemics on power-law networks
- ArticleThe regularity game: Investigating linguistic rule dynamics in a population of interacting agents
- ArticleConsensus versus persistence of disagreement in opinion formation: the role of zealots
- ArticleInterplay between media and social influence in the collective behavior of opinion dynamics
- ArticleThe adoption of linguistic rules in native and non-native speakers: Evidence from a Wug task
- ArticleDegree correlations in signed social networks
- ArticleGeneral three-state model with biased population replacement: Analytical solution and application to language dynamics
- ArticleInternal and External Dynamics in Language: Evidence from Verb Regularity in a Historical Corpus of English
- ArticleDynamical correlations in the escape strategy of Influenza A virus
- ArticleSlow crack propagation through a disordered medium: Critical transition and dissipation
- ArticleExactly solvable model of avalanches dynamics for Barkhausen crackling noise
- ArticleEddy current damping of a moving domain wall: Beyond the quasistatic approximation
- ArticleSignature of negative domain wall mass in soft magnetic materials
- ArticleLoss separation for dynamic hysteresis in magnetic thin films
- ArticleLoss Separation for Dynamic Hysteresis in Ferromagnetic Thin Films
- ArticlePreferential attachment in the growth of social networks: The internet encyclopedia Wikipedia
- ArticleMixing properties of growing networks and Simpson’s paradox
- ArticleMean-field limit of systems with multiplicative noise
- ArticleSignature of effective mass in crackling-noise asymmetry
- ArticleDetecting communities in large networks
- ArticleGround-state optimization and hysteretic demagnetization: The random-field Ising model
- ArticleCommunity structure from spectral properties in complex networks
- ArticleTime asymmetry of magnetic noise
- ArticleInvestigation of scaling properties of hysteresis in Finemet thin films
- ArticleShape of a Barkhausen pulse
- ArticleIs demagnetization an efficient optimization method?
- ArticleAverage trajectory of returning walks
- ArticleCommunities Detection in Large Networks
- ArticleDynamic hysteresis in finemet thin films
- ArticleUniversality and scaling in the Barkhausen noise
- ArticleAverage Shape of a Fluctuation: Universality in Excursions of Stochastic Processes
- ArticleRayleigh loops in the random-field Ising model on the Bethe lattice
- ArticleNumerical solution of the mode-coupling equations for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in one dimension
- ArticleUpper Critical Dimension, Dynamic Exponent, and Scaling Functions in the Mode-Coupling Theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation
- ArticleStretched exponential relaxation in the mode-coupling theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
- ArticleTopology of the Fittest Transportation Network
- ArticleExact solution of a partially asymmetric exclusion model using a deformed oscillator algebra
- ArticleDirected Percolation and Generalized Friendly Random Walkers
- ArticleScaling Relationships in Agglomeration and Annihilation Models
- ArticleSculpting of a Fractal River Basin
- ArticleAnalytical and numerical study of optimal channel networks
- ArticleExact analysis of the Peano basin
- ArticleUniversality Classes of Optimal Channel Networks
- ArticleThermodynamics of Fractal Networks
- ArticleDynamic hysteresis in Finemet thin films