All Stories

  1. Social support for breast cancer patients in the occupied Palestinian territory
  2. Communicating Uncertain News in Cancer Consultations
  3. Formulating treatment recommendation as a logical consequence of the diagnosis in post-surgical oncological visits
  4. Theorizing about practice: story telling and practical knowledge in cancer diagnoses
  5. Diagnostic Decision Making in Oncology: Creating Shared Knowledge and Managing Complexity
  6. Cognizione-in-interazione, azione pratica e artefatti: il contributo della ricerca psicologica allo studio della relazione fra tecnologie e comunità lavorative
  7. Rappresentazioni discorsive dell'impegno domestico e familiare in madri e padri che lavorano
  8. “It Seems That Things Take Care of Themselves”: Routines in Busy Family Lives
  9. Preserving the Respondent’s Standpoint in a Research Interview: Different Strategies of ‘Doing’ the Interviewer
  10. Cultural repertoires in the narrations of oncological ill people
  11. Repertori culturali nelle narrazioni di malate oncologiche
  12. Identity in Sport Teams
  13. Book reviews
  14. Book reviews
  15. Book Reviews
  16. Learning to work or working to learn? A university–work transition case study
  17. Time, Narratives and Participation Frameworks in Software Troubleshooting
  18. Collaboration in web design: Sharing knowledge, pursuing usability
  19. Embodiment at the Interface: Materialization Practices in Web Design