All Stories

  1. Genome-wide association studies and genomic selection assays made in a large sample of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm reveal significant marker-trait associations and good predictive value for improving yield potential
  2. Genome-wide association studies and genomic selection assays made in a large sample of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm reveal significant marker-trait associations and good predictive value for improving yield potential
  3. Cacao
  4. Social and environmental factors affecting food security
  5. Searching for superior, old cacao planting material in planters; fields in Trinidad and Tobago
  6. Evaluation of economic and agronomic traits of interest in cacao to improve planting material
  7. Cacao breeding - conventional and advanced strategies
  8. Investigation of the application of lime in reducing cadmium uptake by cacao
  9. Relationships between Cadmium in Tissues of Cacao Trees and Soils in Plantations of Trinidad and Tobago
  10. Identification of a cost effective method to assess bio available cadmium in cocoa
  11. Cadmium distribution in the testa or outer shell and cotyledon or nib of the cocoa bean
  12. Cost-effective Method of Analysis for the Determination of Cadmium, Copper, Nickel and Zinc in Cocoa Beans and Chocolates
  13. An overview of cocoa cultivation, nutritional value and health benefits
  14. Determination of Ochratoxin A in Cocoa Beans Using Immunoaffinity Column Cleanup with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
  15. A rare mutation observed in fruiting of cacao - two fruits produced on one stalk
  16. Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of the Trinitario Cacao ( L.) from Trinidad and Tobago
  17. Variability of butterfat content in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.): combination and correlation with other seed-derived traits at the International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad
  18. Phenotypic variation in cacao accessions held at the International Cocoa Genebank in Trinidad
  19. Evaluation and utilisation of cacao germplasm at the International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad
  20. A Sampling of the Phenetic Diversity of Cacao in the International Cocoa Gene Bank of Trinidad
  21. Studies in Trinidad to determine the most useful traits for phenotypic characterisation of cacao
  22. Social and environmental factors that impact on agricultural development