All Stories

  1. Motivations, Challenges, Best Practices, and Benefits for Bots and Conversational Agents in Software Engineering: A Multivocal Literature Review
  2. FRINGE: context-aware FaiRness engineerING in complex software systEms
  3. Early and Realistic Exploitability Prediction of Just-Disclosed Software Vulnerabilities: How Reliable Can It Be?
  4. Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve Security Testing for IoT Devices.
  5. Security Risk Assessment on Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study
  6. SERGE – Serious Game for the Education of Risk Management in Software Project Management
  7. Cultural Differences in Software Development
  8. Impact of culture on community smells in software development teams
  9. Toward static test flakiness prediction: a feasibility study
  10. Testing of Mobile Applications in the Wild
  11. Refactoring community smells in the wild
  12. Comparing the effectiveness of three parallelisation approaches for genetic algorithms
  13. Do developers update third-party libraries in mobile apps?
  14. A parallel genetic algorithms framework based on Hadoop MapReduce
  15. Exploiting prior-phase effort data to estimate the effort for the subsequent phases
  16. Web effort estimation