All Stories

  1. Controlling magnetically induced shape memory behavior through volume proportions in Heusler-type Fe47-Mn24+Ga29 structures
  2. Enhanced spin current transmissivity in Pt/ CoFe2O4
  3. Magnetic properties of exchanged-coupled nanostructured core–shell particles of CoO@MnFe2
  4. Enhanced spin Seebeck effect in the paramagnetic phase of the three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet RbMnF
  5. Giant magnetoresistance in the crystalline YCd6 intermetallic compound
  6. Investigation of the GMI effect in multilayered sensing elements deposited over silicon and glass substrates
  7. Experimental evidence of exchange forces between nanoparticles in a superparamagnetic system
  8. Magneto-Impedance measurements in thin films of the Spin-Glass Cu100-Mn Au13.5 (x = 6.75 and 13.5) alloys
  9. Enhancing the electrical properties of NBT ceramics by the addition of small amounts of Yb
  10. Correlation of the magnetic properties with the structural parameters
  11. Low temperature magnetic properties of the quasicrystalline Al80Mn12Si4X4 (X = Cr, Y, Sm and Nd) alloys
  12. Study of the low-field irreversibility line in the transverse component spin-glass phase of the amorphous Fe90Zr10 alloy
  13. Thermal transport in yttrium iron garnet at very high magnetic fields
  14. Magnetic properties of the double perovskites Sm2Mn1+x Co1−x O6 (x  =  0, 0.05, 0.12 and 0.26)
  15. Magnetization oscillations in polyaniline-γFe2O3 nanocomposites
  16. Half-wave rectification of ac-magnetic-field effects by mixing thermal spin and charge currents in a NiO/Pt nanostructure
  17. Physical origins of the magnetoresistance of platinum in contact with polycrystalline antiferromagnetic NiO
  18. Spin Seebeck effect in antiferromagnet nickel oxide in wide ranges of temperature and magnetic field
  19. Structural description, luminescent and magnetic properties of novel 2-D coordination polymers containing thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole rings and trivalent lanthanide ions
  20. The role of metallic nanoparticles in the enhancement of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in YIG/Pt thin films
  21. Local iron ion distribution and magnetic properties of the perovskites La1
  22. On the magnetic properties of the multiferroic ceramics Bi0.99
  23. Magnetic irreversibility and spin dynamics in nanoparticles of iron-doped europium chromite
  24. Metal-organic framework: Structure and magnetic properties of [Cu3(BTC)2 (L)x·(CuO)y]n (L=H2O, DMF)
  25. Giant magnetoimpedance effect in a thin-film multilayer meander-like sensor
  26. Spin-flop transition in the easy-plane antiferromagnet nickel oxide
  27. Magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO nanoparticles
  28. Magnetic properties of the nanocomposite CoFe2O4/FeCo-FeO at a high H/T regime
  29. Synthesis of europium orthochromites (EuCrO3) nanoparticles by a combustion reaction method
  30. Demagnetizing Field Induced Instability in a Superferromagnetic (CoFe2O4)20 Ag80 Nanocomposite
  31. Giant Zeeman shifts in the optical transitions of yttrium iron garnet thin films
  32. GMI in the reentrant spin-glass Fe90Zr10 alloy: Investigation of the spin dynamics in the MHz frequency regime
  33. Enhanced remanence in nanocomposite of Y1-xSmxCo5/Co ribbons obtained by melt-spinning
  34. Magnetic properties of polymer matrix composites with embedded ferrite particles
  35. Spin-Current to Charge-Current Conversion and Magnetoresistance in a Hybrid Structure of Graphene and Yttrium Iron Garnet
  36. Spin-wave stiffness parameter in ferrimagnetic systems: Nanoparticulate powders of (Mg,Zn)Fe2O4 mixed ferrites
  37. Sustained magnetization oscillations in polyaniline-Fe3O4 nanocomposites
  38. On the dynamics of the reentrant spin-glass state of the Fe100−xZrx (x = 9, 10) amorphous alloys
  39. Magnetic couplings in CoFe2O4/FeCo–FeO core–shell nanoparticles
  40. Magnetic anisotropy of antiferromagneticRbMnF3
  41. Large inverse spin Hall effect in the antiferromagnetic metalIr20
  42. Origin of spin-glass and exchange bias in La1∕3Sr2∕3FeO3−γ nanoparticles
  43. Magnon spin-current theory for the longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect
  44. Exchange-bias and exchange-spring coupling in magnetic core–shell nanoparticles
  45. Magnetic Dimensionality of Metal Formate $M[(H_2O)_2 (HCOO)_2]$ Compounds ($M={}$Co(II), Cu(II))
  46. Mössbauer and magnetic study of nanocrystalline strontium hexaferrite prepared by an ionic coordination reaction technique
  47. Enhanced Magnetic Properties of Zn Substituted Mg Ferrite
  48. Dication magnetic ionic liquids with tuneable heteroanions
  49. Critical dimension for magnetic exchange-spring coupled core/shell CoFe2
  50. Ac magnetic susceptibility measurements in nanoparticulate powders of iron-doped ZnO
  51. Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetism and specific heat of a new copper(II) compound with p-aminobenzoic acid
  52. Addition of magnetic markers for non-destructive evaluation of polymer composites
  53. Magnetic properties of nanoparticles of cobalt ferrite at high magnetic field
  54. On the influence of the milling time in the Curie temperature of Fe56Co7Ni7Zr10B20 investigated by magnetic thermogravimetric analysis
  55. Enhanced magnetic properties of Bi-substituted cobalt ferrites
  56. High sensitivity giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) magnetic transducer: magnitude versus phase sensing
  57. Exchange-spring behavior in nanopowders of CoFe2O4–CoFe2
  58. Sensitivity improvement of GMI magnetic and pressure transducers for biomedical measurements
  59. Effects of Ru doping on the transport and magnetic properties of a La1.32Sr1.68Mn2 −yRuyO7layered manganite system
  60. Specific heat measurements in pure and in (Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni)-doped single-crystals of l-arginine phosphate monohydrate
  61. Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of polyaniline-magnetite nanocomposites
  62. Magnetic interactions and exchange-bias in nanocomposite system (Fe1−xCox)y(MnO)1−y
  63. Specific heat of the dilute antiferromagnetic system FexZn1-xF2
  64. Particle size distribution in FeAg granular alloy
  65. Preparation and magnetic study of the CoFe2O4-CoFe2 nanocomposite powders
  66. Ring shaped magnetic field transducer based on the GMI effect
  67. Magnetic properties of prepared by an ICR technique
  68. Synthesis of α-Fe particles using a modified metal-membrane incorporation technique
  69. Anisotropy field and transverse susceptibility in nanocrystalline hexaferrites
  70. GMI effect in the low magnetostrictive alloys
  71. Structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticles of
  72. Hall and giant magnetoimpedance effects in the Co70Fe5Si15B10 metallic glass
  73. Preparation of AlRu intermetallic compounds by mechanical alloying
  74. Synthesis and magnetic properties of the SiO2–BaFe12O19 glass–ceramic composites
  75. Fe interparticle interactions inFexAg100−<...
  76. Evidence of dynamical phase separation in La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3 manganite
  77. Magneto-impedance measurements in bulk samples of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3
  78. Low Temperature Magneto-Transport Properties of theI-Al6Ru Quasicrystalline Alloy
  79. Brillouin light scattering in CMR manganite films
  80. Low temperature magnetotransport properties of La0.55Ho0.15Sr0.3MnO3
  81. Giant magnetoimpedance in FeAg granular alloys
  82. Magnetic Properties of Organic Acid-Doped Polyaniline
  83. Spin-glass and random-field effects in exchange-biased NiFe film on a NiO single-crystal substrate
  84. Anomalous magnetic behavior in holmium doped La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 film
  85. Detailed investigation of the GMI in a commercial soft-ferromagnetic amorphous alloy
  86. Effect of Al overlayers on the magnetic properties of Fe thin films
  87. GMI measurements in ribbons of Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10 in a wide range of frequencies
  88. Measurement of the density of states of a Al6Ru quasicrystalline alloy by ultrafast thermomodulation
  89. Interesting history effect in the magnetotransport properties of La0.55Ho0.15Sr0.3MnO3 films on LaAlO3
  90. Highly Asymmetric Giant Magnetoimpedance
  91. Enhanced GMI in ribbons of Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10 alloy
  92. A theoretical model for the giant magnetoimpedance in ribbons of amorphous soft-ferromagnetic alloys
  93. Domains and giant magneto-impedance in amorphous ribbons by magneto-optical Kerr effect
  94. Giant transversal magnetoimpedance and Hall-effect measurements in Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10
  95. Thermal and structural properties of the MY750 Epoxy diluted with xylene
  96. Random-field-crossover scaling inMn0.35...
  97. Giant magnetoimpedance in the ferromagnetic alloyCo75
  98. ac susceptibility on the dilute antiferromagnet MnxZn1−xF2 close to the percolation threshold (abstract)
  99. Giant ac magnetoresistance in the soft ferromagnet Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10
  100. Magnetoresistance of the random anisotropic Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10alloy
  101. Critical and equilibrium phase boundaries in Mn0.5Zn0.5F2
  102. Field induced transition in the amorphous ferromagnet Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10
  103. Magnetization study of the IAl80Mn20 and TAl78Mn22 quasicrystalline phases
  104. Irreversibility line in the ferromagnet Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10alloy
  105. Spin-glass behavior in the A1:Mn quasicrystalline alloys
  106. Magnetization study of the I‐Al80Mn20 and T‐Al78Mn22 quasicrystalline phases (abstract)
  107. Spin‐glass behavior in the Al:Mn quasicrystalline alloys (abstract)
  108. Scaling of the nonlinear susceptibility in the spin-glass TAl78Mn22 quasicrystalline alloy
  109. Frequency-domain thermo-magnet memory effect in the Co/sub 75-x/Fe/sub x/Si/sub 15/B/sub 10/ alloys
  110. Magnetic behaviour of the rare earth binary R-Fe alloys
  111. Low-temperature resistivity and magnetoresistance of the quasicrystalline icosahedralAl
  112. Ripple method: An application of the square‐wave excitation method for heat‐capacity measurements
  113. Space-time-transformation technique in connection with the Schwinger action principle
  114. Solvable Hill and Pöschl-Teller equations
  115. Low temperature heat capacity and magnetic study of the quasicrystalline decagonal Al7 8Mn2 2 alloy
  116. Low temperature heat capacity and magnetic study of the Al80Mn20 icosahedral alloy
  117. High resolution Raman scattering by phonons in FeF2 and NiF2