All Stories

  1. Thinking of Algorithms as Institutions
  2. The Infrapolitics of Algorithmic Resistance
  3. Desenhando políticas e governança de dados para cidades inteligentes: ensaio teórico com o uso da IAD Framework para analisar políticas orientadas por dados
  4. Designing data policy and governance for smart cities: theoretical essay using the IAD framework to analyze data-driven policy
  5. Designing data governance in Brazil: an institutional analysis
  6. Algorithms and Institutions: How Social Sciences Can Contribute to Governance of Algorithms
  7. The politics of AI: democracy and authoritarianism in developing countries
  8. Introduction: Looking for Governance: Latin America Governance Reforms and Challenges
  9. Artificial Intelligence Policy Regimes: Comparing Politics and Policy to National Strategies for Artificial Intelligence
  10. The Ecosystem of Digital Content Governance
  11. New Pythias of public administration: ambiguity and choice in AI systems as challenges for governance
  12. The Governance of Public Policy Evaluation Systems: Policy Effectiveness and Accountability
  13. Policy capacity and governance conditions for implementing sustainable development goals in Brazil
  14. Editorial
  15. Policy capacity and governance conditions for implementing sustainable development goals in Brazil
  16. Digital Governance and the Tragedy of the Commons
  17. State Capacities and Policy Work in Brazilian Civil Service
  18. Digital Transformation and Public Service Delivery in Brazil
  19. Principles and Elements of Governance of Digital Public Services
  20. Institutional change and accountability: procedural ecology and defiance of the Brazilian case
  21. Indo além do gerencial: a agenda da governança democrática e a mudança silenciada no Brasil
  22. Transparency and accountability: principles and rules for the construction of publicity
  23. Perceptions on justice, the judiciary and democracy