All Stories

  1. Assessment of storm surge and habitat loss during recent Hurricanes and its Prediction: A case study from southwest Florida using ML-based Hydrodynamic Models
  2. Habitat quality and degradation change analysis for the Sundarbans mangrove forest using invest habitat quality model and machine learning
  3. Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics of Irrawaddy Delta: Remote Sensing Analysis and Future Projections
  4. Mesoscale Eddies and their Impact on Primary Productivity in the Bay of Bengal
  5. Seasonal influence of freshwater discharge on spatio-temporal variations in primary productivity, sea surface temperature, and euphotic zone depth in the northern Bay of Bengal
  6. Analyzing spatio-temporal variability of aquatic productive components in Northern Bay of Bengal using advanced machine learning models
  7. Assessing intra and interannual variability of water quality in the Sundarban mangrove dominated estuarine ecosystem using remote sensing and hybrid machine learning models
  8. Mapping, Dynamics, and Future Change Analysis of Sundarbans delta using Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Network Modeling
  9. Green Energy, Blue Economy: Integrating Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development for Bangladesh
  10. Evaluation and mapping of predicted future land use changes using hybrid models in a coastal area
  11. Mapping of tide-dominated Hooghly estuary water quality parameters using Sentinel-3 OLCI time-series data
  12. Mapping, Dynamics, and Future Change Analysis of Sundarbans delta using Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Network Modeling
  13. Seasonal influence of freshwater discharge on primary productivity and euphotic depth in the northern Bay of Bengal
  14. Estimation of Chlorophyll-a, TSM and salinity in mangrove dominated tropical estuarine areas of Hooghly River, North East Coast of Bay of Bengal, India using sentinel-3 data
  15. “SeaWARRDD”: Coastal Warning and Rapid Response Data Density: Rethinking Coastal Ocean Observing, Intelligence, Resilience, and Prediction
  16. Storm-Driven Morphodynamics of a Sandy Beach in Florida
  17. Relative dominance of wind stress curl and Ekman transport on coastal upwelling during summer monsoon in the southeastern Arabian Sea
  18. Vulnerability of Sundarbans to Climate Change and Cyclone Intensification: Mapping, Dynamics and Future Change Analysis of Mangrove Forest Using Landsat Data
  19. An agent‐based model accurately predicts larval dispersal and identifies restoration and monitoring priorities for eastern oyster ( Crassostrea virginica ) in a Southwest Florida estuary
  20. Geomorphologic Recovery of North Captiva Island from the Landfall of Hurricane Charley in 2004
  21. Numerical simulation of waves in the Caspian Sea: calibration and verification of the observation-based source terms
  22. Geomorphological impact of Hurricane Irma on Marco Island, Southwest Florida
  23. WAVEWATCH-III source terms evaluation for optimizing hurricane wave modeling: A case study of Hurricane Ivan
  24. Simulating tropical storms in the Gulf of Mexico using analytical models
  25. Automated monitoring of fine-scale movements of the endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata)
  26. Hydrodynamic response of Bahamas archipelago to storm surge and hurricane generated waves – A case study for Hurricane Joaquin
  27. Response of sea surface properties following Gulf of Mexico hurricanes
  29. Storm-driven dispersal of fluvial fine sediment on a low-energy inner shelf
  30. Forces in an Estuary: Tides, Freshwater, and Friction
  31. Circulation studies for the Charlotte Harbor and Caloosahatchee River estuaries
  32. Potential Impacts of Sand Mining on Hydrodynamics and Fine Sediment Suspension and Deposition on an Inner-shelf Shoal
  33. WITHDRAWN: Storm-driven dispersal of fluvial fine sediments on a low-energy inner shelf
  34. Seasonal and inter-annual variability in sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration along the West Florida Shelf: analyzing 5 years of satellite data
  35. Time evolution of atmospheric parameters and their influence on sea level pressure over the head Bay of Bengal
  36. Coastal Inundation Research:An overview of the Process
  37. Effect of wind, river discharge, and outer-shelf phenomena on circulation dynamics of the Atchafalaya Bay and shelf
  38. Sensitivity of a third generation wave model to wind and boundary condition sources and model physics: A case study from the South Atlantic Ocean off Brazil coast
  39. Storm induced hydrodynamics and sediment transport in a coastal Louisiana lake
  40. Winter storm-induced hydrodynamics and morphological response of a shallow transgressive shoal complex: Northern Gulf of Mexico
  41. A coupled hydrodynamic modeling system for PHAILIN cyclone in the Bay of Bengal
  42. Comparison between optical and acoustical estimation of suspended sediment concentration: Field study from a muddy coast
  43. Seasonal Hydrodynamics along the Louisiana Coast: Implications for Hypoxia Spreading
  44. Simulation of wave damping during a cold front over the muddy Atchafalaya shelf
  45. Wave-driven sediment transport and beach-dune dynamics in a headland bay beach
  46. On the importance of high frequency tail in third generation wave models
  47. Evaluation of two WAM white capping parameterizations using parallel unstructured SWAN with application to the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA
  48. The Effects of Bed Friction on Wave Simulation: Implementation of an Unstructured Third-Generation Wave Model, SWAN
  49. Dynamics at an elongated, intermediate depth seamount in the North Atlantic (Sedlo Seamount, 40°20′N, 26°40′W)
  50. Interaction of Mediterranean water eddies with Sedlo and Seine Seamounts, Subtropical Northeast Atlantic
  51. A WAVCIS based ocean observing station to provide hydrodynamic data off Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Walton, Florida, USA
  52. Simulating hurricane Gustav and Ike wave fields along the Louisiana innershelf: Implementation of an unstructured third-generation wave model, SWAN
  53. Wave transformation over Sabine Bank, off the Louisiana-Texas coast: Implications of targeted sand mining for coastal restoration
  54. Parameterization of Wave Attenuation in Muddy Beds and Implication on Coastal Structures
  55. Heterogeneity and Dynamics on a Shoal during Spring-Winter Storm Season, South-Central Louisiana, USA
  56. Winter Storm and Tropical Cyclone Impacts on the Short-Term Evolution of Beaches and Barriers along the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
  57. Summertime Morphodynamics of Two Beaches Presenting Different Wave Exposure — Faial Island, Azores, Portugal
  58. Discovering the Azores front/current system with SeaWiFS imagery
  59. SST variability in the Azores region using AVHRR imagery: regional to local scale study
  60. Technologies to Support Collaborative Learning over the Multimedia Home Platform