All Stories

  1. Using Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systems to trace sources of sediment and trace metals to the Weser River system (Germany) and assessment of input to the North Sea
  2. Iron colloids dominate sedimentary supply to the ocean interior
  3. Sr-Nd-Pb isotope fingerprint analysis of sediment from the river Weser (Germany) and its implication to trace human and climate-induced impacts
  4. 230 Th Normalization: New Insights on an Essential Tool for Quantifying Sedimentary Fluxes in the Modern and Quaternary Ocean
  5. Evolution of <sup>231</sup>Pa and <sup>230</sup>Th in overflow waters of the North Atlantic
  6. Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise
  7. The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017
  8. The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014
  9. Further insights into how sediment redox status controls the preservation and composition of sedimentary biomarkers
  10. Controls on seawater 231Pa, 230Th and 232Th concentrations along the flow paths of deep waters in the Southwest Atlantic
  11. D – Goldschmidt Abstracts 2013