All Stories

  1. Virgin and photo-degraded microplastics induce the activation of human vascular smooth muscle cells
  2. Exploring Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 and -4 mRNA Expression and Their Receptor Assessment in a Dynamic In Vitro Model of Vascular Calcification
  3. Type-specific inflammatory responses of vascular cells activated by interaction with virgin and aged microplastics
  4. A Dynamic Cellular Model as an Emerging Platform to Reproduce the Complexity of Human Vascular Calcification In Vitro
  5. Dynamic co-culture of endothelial and smooth muscle cells as a platform for pathophysiological investigations of vascular calcifications
  6. A systematic review and meta-analysis of human population studies on the association between exposure to toxic environmental chemicals and left ventricular dysfunction (LVD)
  7. Echo state networks for the recognition of type 1 Brugada syndrome from conventional 12-LEAD ECG
  8. Novel in vitro evidence on the beneficial effect of quercetin treatment in vascular calcification
  9. Proteomic Modulation in TGF-β-Treated Cholangiocytes Induced by Curcumin Nanoparticles
  10. Protocol to generate an in vitro model to study vascular calcification using human endothelial and smooth muscle cells
  11. Association of Circulating Neutrophils with Relative Volume of Lipid-Rich Necrotic Core of Coronary Plaques in Stable Patients: A Substudy of SMARTool European Project
  12. Microplastics: A Matter of the Heart (and Vascular System)
  13. Analysis and Interpretation of ECG Time Series Through Convolutional Neural Networks in Brugada Syndrome Diagnosis
  14. Nutritional and physical improvements in older adults through the DOREMI remote coaching approach: a real-world study
  15. Vascular Calcification: In Vitro Models under the Magnifying Glass
  16. Cardiac tissue engineering: Multiple approaches and potential applications
  17. Bone morphogenetic protein-4 system expression in human coronary artery endothelial and smooth muscle cells under dynamic flow: effect of medicated bioresorbable vascular scaffolds at low and normal shear stress
  18. Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies on the Association of Exposure to Toxic Environmental Pollutants and Left Ventricular Dysfunction
  19. Artificial intelligence algorithms for the recognition of Brugada type 1 pattern on standard 12-leads ECG
  20. Biological Effects of Transforming Growth Factor Beta in Human Cholangiocytes
  21. Blood M2-like Monocyte Polarization Is Associated with Calcific Plaque Phenotype in Stable Coronary Artery Disease: A Sub-Study of SMARTool Clinical Trial
  22. A preliminary evaluation of Echo State Networks for Brugada syndrome classification
  23. The BrAID study protocol: integration of machine learning and transcriptomics for brugada syndrome recognition
  24. Discrimination capability of pretest probability of stable coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis suggesting how to improve validation procedures
  25. Modulated molecular markers of restenosis and thrombosis by in-vitro vascular cells exposed to bioresorbable scaffolds
  26. Validated models for pre-test probability of stable coronary artery disease: a systematic review suggesting how to improve validation procedures
  27. Designing User Interfaces for a Wellbeing Persuasive App
  28. Integration of Biomechanical and Biological Characterization in the Development of Porous Poly(caprolactone)-Based Membranes for Abdominal Wall Hernia Treatment
  29. Computing of Low Shear Stress-Driven Endothelial Gene Network Involved in Early Stages of Atherosclerotic Process
  30. Biomimetic engineering of the cardiac tissue through processing, functionalization, and biological characterization of polyester urethanes
  31. Systemic and vascular inflammation in an in-vitro model of central obesity
  32. Cardiac tissue regeneration: A preliminary study on carbon-based nanotubes gelatin scaffold
  33. A learning system for automatic Berg Balance Scale score estimation
  34. A study on human factors influencing the reliability of an Ambient Assisted Living system
  35. Oral presentations
  36. Detecting Socialization Events in Ageing People: The Experience of the DOREMI Project
  37. Biological and proteomic characterization of a composite mesh for abdominal wall hernia treatment: Reference Study
  38. Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries and plaque morphology using CT angiography – comparison and registration with IVUS
  39. A Reservoir Computing Approach for Balance Assessment
  40. Gelatin and carbon-based nanotubes scaffold for cardiac tissue engineering: A preliminary study
  41. Computerized methodology for micro-CT and histological data inflation using an IVUS based translation map
  42. Error propagation in the characterization of atheromatic plaque types based on imaging
  43. Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary arteries and plaque morphology using CT angiography - comparison and registration using IVUS
  44. A Multiscale Approach for Modeling Atherosclerosis Progression
  45. Smart Environments and Context-Awareness for Lifestyle Management in a Healthy Active Ageing Framework
  46. Design and Validation of an Open-Hardware Print-Head for Bioprinting Application
  47. Development of a novel micro-ablation system to realise micrometric and well-defined hydrogel structures for tissue engineering applications
  48. P471Site-specific shear stress-plaque severity relations by high axial resolution coronary profiling in an animal model of atherogenesis
  49. Vascular Injury Post Stent Implantation: Different Gene Expression Modulation in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) Model
  50. CREPE: Mathematical Model for Crosstalking of Endothelial Cells and Hepatocyte Metabolism
  51. HDL-Mediated Protection of Coronary Vasodilator Response to Adenosine in the Hypercholesterolemic Swine
  52. Hydrostatic pressure and shear stress affect endothelin-1 and nitric oxide release by endothelial cells in bioreactors
  53. SQPR 3.0: A Sensorized Bioreactor for Modulating Cardiac Phenotype
  54. Patient-Specific Prediction of Coronary Plaque Growth From CTA Angiography: A Multiscale Model for Plaque Formation and Progression
  55. Patient specific multiscale modelling for plaque formation and progression
  56. CREPE: A First Mathematical Model for Crosstalking of Endothelial Cells and Hepatocyte Metabolism
  57. Expression of C-type natriuretic peptide and its receptor NPR-B in cardiomyocytes
  58. Substrate stiffness influences high resolution printing of living cells with an ink-jet system
  59. A flexible bioreactor system for constructing in vitro tissue and organ models
  60. HEMETβ: improvement of hepatocyte metabolism mathematical model
  61. PAM2 (Piston Assisted Microsyringe): A New Rapid Prototyping Technique for Biofabrication of Cell Incorporated Scaffolds
  62. Poly(ester urethane) Guides for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
  63. Finite element modelling and design of a concentration gradient generating bioreactor: Application to biological pattern formation and toxicology
  64. Organ cross-talk in a multi compartment connected culture bioreactor
  65. SOFT-MI: A novel microfabrication technique integrating soft-lithography and molecular imprinting for tissue engineering applications
  66. Study of the Crosstalk Between Hepatocytes and Endothelial Cells Using a Novel Multicompartmental Bioreactor: A Comparison Between Connected Cultures and Cocultures
  67. Characterisation of blends between poly(ε-caprolactone) and polysaccharides for tissue engineering applications
  68. Connected Culture of Murine Hepatocytes and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells in a Multicompartmental Bioreactor
  69. Melt-extruded guides for peripheral nerve regeneration. Part I: Poly(ε-caprolactone)
  70. A new library of HEMET model: Insulin effects on hepatic metabolism
  71. ENMET: Endothelial Cell Metabolism Mathematical Model
  72. A microfluidic gradient maker for toxicity testing of bupivacaine and lidocaine
  73. HEMET: Mathematical model of biochemical pathways for simulation and prediction of HEpatocyte METabolism
  74. A High-Throughput Bioreactor System for Simulating Physiological Environments
  75. PAM‐Microfabricated Polyurethane Scaffolds: in vivo and in vitro Preliminary Studies
  76. Chitosan/gelatin blends for biomedical applications
  77. Controlled in vitro growth of cell microtubes: towards the realisation of artificial microvessels
  78. "Cell Cross-talk" analysis in static and dynamic Multi-Compartmental Bioreactor
  79. Microfabrication of Capillary System Using a Perfusion Cell Chamber