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  1. The role of hydropower energy in the level of CO2 emissions: An application of continuous wavelet transform
  2. COVID-19 vaccine candidates and vaccine development platforms available worldwide
  3. Modeling the exchange rate pass-through in Turkey with uncertainty and geopolitical risk: a Markov regime-switching approach
  4. Are government energy technology research, development, and demonstration budgets converging or diverging? Insights from OECD countries
  5. The roles of economic growth and health expenditure on CO2 emissions in selected Asian countries: a quantile regression model approach
  6. COVID-19 and Spillover Effect of Global Economic Crisis on the United States’ Financial Stability
  7. The Age Structure, Stringency Policy, Income, and Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Evidence From 209 Countries
  8. The Possible Influence of the Tourism Sector on Climate Change in the US
  9. Estimation of the co-movements between biofuel production and food prices: A wavelet-based analysis
  10. The co-movements between geothermal energy usage and CO2 emissions through high and low frequency cycles
  11. An investigation of the financial resource curse hypothesis in oil-exporting countries: The threshold effect of democratic accountability
  12. The wind energy-greenhouse gas nexus: The wavelet-partial wavelet coherence model approach
  13. The Nexus Between Biomass – Footprint and Sustainable Development
  14. Does waste energy usage mitigate the CO2 emissions? A time-frequency domain analysis
  15. Does globalization matter for environmental sustainability? Empirical investigation for Turkey by Markov regime switching models
  16. A revisited renewable consumption-growth nexus: A continuous wavelet approach through disaggregated data
  17. Can Exchange Rate Volatility Influence the Export Positively? Evidence from Turkey Under the Regime Shifts
  18. Implications of Environmental Convergence: Continental Evidence Based on Ecological Footprint
  19. List of Contributors
  20. Most Up-to-Date Methodologic Approaches
  21. Is there deterministic, stochastic, and/or club convergence in ecological footprint indicator among G20 countries?
  22. A reinvestigation of EKC model by ecological footprint measurement for high, middle and low income countries
  23. The impact of urbanization on energy intensity: Panel data evidence considering cross-sectional dependence and heterogeneity
  24. Can biomass energy be an efficient policy tool for sustainable development?
  25. How did the US economy react to shale gas production revolution? An advanced time series approach
  26. The influence of biomass energy consumption on CO2 emissions: a wavelet coherence approach
  27. The dynamic impact of renewable energy consumption on CO 2 emissions: A revisited Environmental Kuznets Curve approach
  28. Business cycle co-movements between renewables consumption and industrial production: A continuous wavelet coherence approach
  29. Biomass energy and economic growth nexus in G7 countries: Evidence from dynamic panel data
  30. The causality between FDI and sector-specific production in Turkey: evidence from threshold cointegration with regime shifts
  31. Economic growth and biomass consumption nexus: Dynamic panel analysis for Sub-Sahara African countries
  32. The non-linear impact of high and growing government external debt on economic growth: A Markov Regime-switching approach
  33. Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Natural Gas: OECD Panel Data Evidence
  34. Convergence Analysis of Oil and Diesel Prices for Industries and Households in the European Region
  35. Linear and nonlinear TAR panel unit root analyses for solid biomass energy supply of European countries
  36. The impact of biomass consumption on CO2 emissions: Cointegration analyses with regime shifts
  37. The determinants of FDI in Turkey: A Markov Regime-Switching approach
  38. Newborn Screening for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia inthe Netherlands
  39. Rasyonel Beklentiler Kuramı Çerçevesinde Öngörülen Ve Öngörülemeyen Para Politikalarının Analizi