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  1. The effect of hedonic and eudaimonic happiness in driving altruistic food choices
  2. On the willingness to pay for food sustainability labelling: A meta‐analysis
  3. Can blockchain technology strengthen consumer preferences for credence attributes?
  4. Consumers bahavior towards the country of origin labeling policy: The case of the pasta market in Italy
  5. Determinants of online food purchasing: The impact of socio-demographic and situational factors
  6. The Impacts in Real Estate of Landscape Values: Evidence from Tuscany (Italy)
  7. Insights into organic wine consumption: behaviour, segmentation and attribute non-attendance
  8. Evaluating rural viability and well-being: Evidence from marginal areas in Tuscany
  9. Exploring the Acceptance of Entomophagy: A Survey of Italian Consumers
  10. Drivers of plant-based convenience foods consumption: Results of a multicomponent extension of the theory of planned behaviour
  11. Urban Consumer Trust and Food Certifications in China
  12. Organic milk preference: is it a matter of information?
  13. Consumer preference for wine from hand-harvested grapes
  14. Price vector issue in a choice experiment: A methodological proposal
  15. Consumers wine preferences according to purchase occasion: Personal consumption and gift-giving
  16. Discrete choice experiments with multiple price vectors for products sold in a wide price range
  17. Geographical Relationship between Ungulates, Human Pressure and Territory
  18. A Multicriteria Approach for Well-Being Assessment in Rural Areas
  19. Investigating the role of personal and context-related factors in convenience foods consumption
  20. The willingness to pay for saving-time in cooking activities
  21. Consumer willingness to pay for non-mandatory indication of the fish catch zone
  22. Investigation on determinants of farm diversification.
  23. The cost of making wine: A Tuscan case study based on a full cost approach
  24. Does ‘local’ matter in restaurant choice? Results of a discrete choice experiment targeting German and Italian consumers
  25. Territory, environment, and healthiness in traditional food choices: insights into consumer heterogeneity
  26. Spatial analysis of selected biodiversity features in protected areas: a case study in Tuscany region
  27. Warning label for reducing junk food consumption
  28. Why Do We Buy Traditional Foods?
  29. Typical Vine or International Taste: Wine Consumers' Dilemma Between Beliefs and Preferences
  30. On farm non-agricultural activities: geographical determinants of diversification and intensification strategy
  31. The Consumer Loves Typicality but Prefers the International Wine
  32. Wine consumption and sales strategies: The evolution of Mass Retail Trading in Italy
  33. Spatial distribution of farmers receving funds to mantain or convert organic farming
  34. The determinants of quality of life in rural areas
  35. Do forests help to keep my body mass index low?
  36. A Comparison of the Well-Being of Agricultural and Non Agricultural Households Using a Multicriterial Approach
  37. Il nuovo quadro macroeconomico dei conti forestali in Italia: l’introduzione dell’IEEAF e dell’ATECO 2007