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  1. Framing fake news: Asymmetric attribute-framing bias for favorable and unfavorable outcomes.
  2. Applying fuzzy-trace theory to attribute-framing bias: Gist and verbatim representations of quantitative information.
  3. To be an honest person or not to be a cheater: Replicating the effect of messages relating to the self on unethical behaviour
  4. The Role of Attention in Attribute Framing
  5. Are highly numerate individuals invulnerable to attribute framing bias? Comparing numerically and graphically represented attribute framing
  6. Outcome proportions, numeracy, and attribute-framing bias
  7. The Average Fuel-Efficiency Fallacy: Overestimation of Average Fuel Efficiency and How It Can Lead to Biased Decisions
  8. The moderating role of objective and subjective numeracy in attribute framing
  9. Private and national brand consumers' images of fashion stores
  10. Framing and involvement effects on consumers’ brand choice
  11. Effects of message framing and involvement on price deal effectiveness