All Stories

  1. Journal of Wound Management November 2024
  2. Journal of Wound Management Volume 25 Number 1
  3. Journal of Wound Management Volume 24 Number 3
  4. Journal of Wound Management Volume 24 Number 2
  5. Journal of Wound Management November 2022
  6. Journal of Wound Management July 2022
  7. Wound curriculum for student nurses
  8. Editorial. Is it time to examine the focus of our research efforts in wound management through the lens of the three R’s
  9. The HERMES Study – blue ligHt photobiomodulation thErapy on neuRoischeMic patiEntS – Experimental Design and Study Protocol
  10. Exploring wellbeing in individuals with diabetic foot ulcers: the patient perspective
  11. How to integrate new technologies into daily practice: The clinician perspective
  12. Health belief theories and their influence on adherence behaviours in individuals with diabetic foot ulceration: A literature review
  13. Negative pressure wound therapy and patients with severe diabetic foot ulcers: A retrospective cohort study
  14. Protecting patients’ skin during prone ventilation - the PRONEtect practice guidance document
  15. Do personality and mood difficulties predict foot self-care in diabetes?
  16. Editorial. Spotlight on education
  17. The diabetic foot in hospitalised stroke patients: Documentation of nursing actions and the need for improvement.
  18. Patients’ perceptions of, and acceptance toward, using wearable sensor technology in wound care
  19. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of a survey on skin tears among nurses in French-speaking Switzerland
  20. Leiomyosarcoma - A rare neoplasia arising from a chronic venous ulcer. Case report and literature review
  21. Rare ulcer in a neonate: Experience using topical oxygen therapy based on the M.O.I.S.T. Principle
  22. Is it safe to compress venous leg ulcers without an ankle brachial pressure index?
  23. Comorbidities and clinical features of Martorell hypertensive ischemic leg ulcers: findings from a retrospective cohort study
  24. Journal of the European Wound Management Association November 2020
  25. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Venous Leg Ulcer Self Efficacy Tool for use in a Swiss-French setting
  26. Management of an oncological wound: Diagnosis, conflicting therapies and decision-making
  27. Wound care within Flemish residential care centres: An update
  28. Consent to treatment
  29. Seek, and ye shall find: Efficacy of proactive screeningfor diabetic foot ulceration in the community autonomously performed by nurses
  30. A silver-based antimicrobial dressing for the prevention of surgical site infection - a pilot study
  31. Clinical characteristics of lower extremity ulcers
  32. Community-based wound care in the Netherlands: Implementing a regional network for wound care
  33. Wound Curriculum for Nurses: Post-registration qualification wound management–European qualification framework level 7
  34. Topical treatment for controlling malignant wound odour
  35. EWMA Document: Atypical wounds. Best clinical practice and challenges
  36. A Case Report: Pilonidal Sinus Management with Medical-Grade Honey
  37. Effectiveness and Safety of Patientcentred Care Compared to Usual Care for Patients with Pressure Ulcers in Inpatient Facilities: A Rapid Review
  38. Factors that create Obstacles and Opportunity for Patient Participation in Orthopaedic Nursing Care
  39. A Case Report: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Children
  40. Finnish Nurses’ Perception of Client-centred Wound Care
  41. Taking Care of an Individual’s Needs at Home: Experiences of a Community Care Nursing Group
  42. Post-surgical Pyoderma Gangrenosum: A Retrospective Analysis of four Clinical Cases
  43. Optimising Wellbeing in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers
  44. EWMA: Wound management curriculum for post registration qualification of nurses
  45. Wounds Research Network (WReN) - a community of practice for improving wound care-related trials
  46. Effects of radiotherapy on wound healing
  47. Psychological factors associated with malignant fungating breast wounds
  48. Advanced therapies in wound management: cell and tissue based therapies, physical and bio-physical therapies smart and IT based technologies
  49. Wound Curriculum for Nurses
  50. EWMA Document: Use of Oxygen Therapies in Wound Healing
  51. EWMA Document: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
  52. Reporting standards of studies and papers on the prevention and management of foot ulcers in diabetes: required details and markers of good quality
  53. What do clinical practice guidelines tell us about how to manage venous leg ulcers
  54. EWMA Docment: eHealth in wound care - From conception to implementation
  55. EWMA Document: Antimicrobials and Non-healing Wounds - Evidence, Controversies and Suggestions
  56. EWMA Document: Home Care-Wound Care: Overview, Challenges and Perspectives
  57. EWMA Study Recommendations - For clinical investigations in leg ulcers and wound care
  58. EWMA Document: Managing Wounds as a Team
  59. EWMA Document: Antimicrobials and Non-healing Wounds: Evidence, controversies and suggestions
  60. Debridement: An updated overview and clarification of the principle role of debridement
  61. EWMA Document on evidence and outcome measures