All Stories

  1. In-bulk polarization reversal in lithium tantalate with single charged domain wall
  2. Periodical Ultra-Modulation of Broadened Laser Spectra in Dielectrics at Variable Ultrashort Laser Pulsewidths: Ultrafast Plasma, Plasmonic and Nanoscale Structural Effects
  3. Au-Hyperdoped Si Nanolayer: Laser Processing Techniques and Corresponding Material Properties
  4. Covalent Grafting of Eosin Y to the Giant Keplerate {Mo132} through an Organosilicon Linker in Homogeneous Regime
  5. Charged domain walls in lithium niobate and lithium tantalate crystals with composition gradients
  6. Advanced Mapping of Optically-Blind and Optically-Active Nitrogen Chemical Impurities in Natural Diamonds
  7. Hierarchical Multi-Scale Coupled Periodical Photonic and Plasmonic Nanopatterns Inscribed by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Lithium Niobate
  8. Ferroelectric Nanodomain Engineering in Bulk Lithium Niobate Crystals in Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Nanopatterning Regime
  9. Variety of ZnO nanostructured materials prepared by PECVD
  10. Tip-induced domain growth on the non-polar cut of lithium niobate with various stoichiometry deviations
  11. Domain growth in LiNbO3 with surface layer modified by soft proton exchange
  12. Shape of charged domain walls in bidomain lithium tantalate plates with composition gradients
  13. Local Polarization Reversal by Ion Beam Irradiation in SBN Single Crystals Covered by Dielectric Layer
  14. Micro-Raman domain imaging in calcium orthovanadate single crystals
  15. Correction
  16. Transformation of initial domain structure by ac electric field in lithium tantalate crystals with composition gradient
  17. Formation of submicron stripe domain ensembles during polarization reversal in Rb doped KTP crystal covered by dielectric layer
  18. Zircon from diamondiferous kyanite gneisses of the Kokchetav massif: Revealing growth stages using an integrated cathodoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy and electron microprobe approach
  19. Polarization reversal in lithium niobate with inhomogeneous stoichiometry deviation
  20. Domain structure formation by local switching in the ion sliced lithium niobate thin films
  21. A combined Raman spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence, and electron backscatter diffraction study of kyanite porphyroblasts from diamondiferous and diamond‐free metamorphic rocks (Kokchetav massif)
  22. Charged domain walls in lithium tantalate with compositional gradients produced by partial VTE process
  23. Shapes change of PbO nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in liquid
  24. Domain structure formation by electron beam irradiation in lithium niobate crystals at elevated temperatures
  25. Dumortierite and tourmaline from the Barchi‐Kol diamond‐bearing kyanite gneisses (Kokchetav massif): A Raman spectroscopic study and petrological implications
  26. Influence of hot water treatment during laser ablation in liquid on the shape of PbO nanoparticles
  27. Influence of composition gradients on heat induced initial domain structure in lithium tantalate
  28. Raman study of pyroelectric and injected charge induced fields in PLZT 8/65/35 ceramics
  29. E-beam domain patterning in thin plates of MgO-doped LiNbO3
  30. Micro-Raman Imaging of Ferroelectric Domain Structures in the Bulk of PMN-PT Single Crystals
  31. Generation of the second harmonic in ridge waveguides formed in periodically poled lithium niobate
  32. As-grown domain structure in lithium tantalate with spatially nonuniform composition
  33. Polarization reversal and domain kinetics in PMN-30PT single crystals
  34. Hysteresis-free high-temperature precise bimorph actuators produced by direct bonding of lithium niobate wafers