All Stories

  2. Edge of chaos and genesis of turbulence
  3. Lagrangian coherent structures at the onset of hyperchaos in the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
  4. Coherent structures and the saturation of a nonlinear dynamo
  5. Universal scaling laws for fully-developed magnetic field turbulence near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock
  6. Chaotic saddles in nonlinear modulational interactions in a plasma
  7. Edge state and crisis in the Pierce diode
  8. Lagrangian chaos in an ABC-forced nonlinear dynamo
  9. Self-modulation of nonlinear waves in a weakly magnetized relativistic electron-positron plasma with temperature
  10. Supertransient Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Keplerian Shear Flows
  11. Amplitude-Phase Synchronization at the Onset of Permanent Spatiotemporal Chaos
  12. A novel type of intermittency in a non-linear dynamo in a compressible flow
  13. Spatiotemporal intermittency and chaotic saddles in the regularized long-wave equation
  14. Neural networks in auroral data assimilation
  15. Robust limit cycle control in an attitude control system with switching-constrained actuators
  16. Chaotic saddles at the onset of intermittent spatiotemporal chaos
  17. Origin of Transient and Intermittent Dynamics in Spatiotemporal Chaotic Systems
  18. Complex economic dynamics: Chaotic saddle, crisis and intermittency
  19. Alfvén multistability: Transient and intermittent dynamics induced by noise
  20. Alfvén intermittency in space plasmas
  21. Intermittent chaos in nonlinear wave–wave interactions in space plasmas
  22. Attractor merging crisis in chaotic business cycles
  23. Intermittency induced by attractor-merging crisis in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation
  24. Space plasma dynamics: Alfvén intermittent chaos
  25. Analysis of chaotic saddles in low-dimensional dynamical systems: the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  26. Analysis of chaotic saddles in high-dimensional dynamical systems: The Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation
  27. Chaos in driven Alfvén systems: boundary and interior crises
  28. High-dimensional chaotic saddles in the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation
  29. Dynamical Systems Approach to Space and Astrophysical Turbulence
  30. Physics of Plasma Radiation