All Stories

  2. Development of chatbots connected to Learning Management Systems for the support and formative assessment of students
  3. Learning tool of chemical molecules for healthcare students based on 3D visualizations, Large Language Models and Linked Open Data
  4. Development of a urinometer for automatic measurement of urine flow in catheterized patients
  5. Democratization of deep learning for segmenting cartilage from MRIs of human knees: Application to data from the osteoarthritis initiative
  6. Think Aloud Protocol and Decision Tree for Driver Behavior Modeling at Roundabouts
  7. Dataset: Roundabout Aerial Images for Vehicle Detection
  8. Dataset: Variable Message Signal Annotated Images for Object Detection
  9. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Based on Machine Learning Techniques for the Detection and Transcription of Variable Message Signs on Roads
  10. Think Aloud Protocol Applied in Naturalistic Driving for Driving Rules Generation
  11. Autonomous Driving in Roundabout Maneuvers Using Reinforcement Learning with Q-Learning
  12. Comparison and Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Cardiovascular Disease Risk
  13. Machine Learning Techniques for Undertaking Roundabouts in Autonomous Driving
  14. Data mining approach for traffic hotspots management: Case of Madrid metropolitan area
  15. Traffic Accidents Classification and Injury Severity Prediction
  16. Traffic Hotspots Visualization and Warning System
  17. Using wearable devices in naturalistic driving to analyze brain activity in roundabout maneuvers
  18. DietDialisisQuiz. Un juego serio competitivo multijugador para aprender durante la diálisis.
  19. Healthy and wellbeing activities’ promotion using a Big Data approach
  20. Distributed Big Data Techniques for Health Sensor Information Processing
  21. Health Sensors Information Processing and Analytics Using Big Data Approaches
  22. A Framework for Urban Traffic Hotspots Detection
  23. Big Data Processing of Bio-signal Sensors Information for Self-Management of Health and Diseases
  24. Big Data Processing Using Wearable Devices for Wellbeing and Healthy Activities Promotion
  25. Learning tool for medicine students based on biomedical named entity recognition and Linked Open Data
  26. Detection and visualization of potential traffic hotspots in urban environments
  27. Tourist Face: A Contents System Based on Concepts of Freebase for Access to the Cultural-Tourist Information
  28. Chapter 7 Web Content Filtering
  29. Chapter 3 Email Spam Filtering
  30. Spam filtering for short messages
  31. Feature engineering for mobile (SMS) spam filtering
  32. Content based SMS spam filtering