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  1. Displaying a negative stance by questioning meaning
  2. Meaning in interaction
  3. Meaning in Interaction
  4. Topical and sequential backlinking in a French radio phone-in program
  5. Formulating direction: Navigational instructions in driving lessons
  6. Institutional invitations to a meeting: Cold calls to bank clients
  7. Mundane talk at work: Multiactivity in interactions between professionals and their clientele
  8. Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh / Jan Lindschouw (edd.), Les variations diasystématiques et leurs interdépendances dans les langues romanes. Actes du Colloque DIA II à Copenhague (19–21 novembre 2012) (Travaux de Linguistique Romane. Sociolinguistique, dialecto...
  9. The interactional history of examples and parentheses
  10. Niente nel parlato conversazionale
  11. Time and Emergence in Grammar
  12. Instructional sequences in driving lessons: Mobile participants and the temporal and sequential organization of actions