All Stories

  1. Vigilant Attention During Cognitive and Language Processing in Aphasia
  2. Sleepiness, Exertion Fatigue, Arousal, and Vigilant Attention in Persons With Chronic Aphasia
  3. Semantic Typicality Effects in Primary Progressive Aphasia
  4. Patient Fatigue During Aphasia Treatment: A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists
  5. Acquired Alexias
  6. Training pseudoword reading in acquired dyslexia: a phonological complexity approach
  7. Training verb argument structure production in agrammatic aphasia: Behavioral and neural recovery patterns
  8. Effects of Phonological Complexity Training on Pseudoword Reading in Acquired Phonological Dyslexia
  9. Semantic typicality effects in acquired dyslexia: Evidence for semantic impairment in deep dyslexia
  10. Ortho-phonological cueing may be a viable method of treating anomia in Chinese for speakers with alphabetic script knowledge