All Stories

  1. Changes in weed species composition in irrigated agriculture in Saharan Algeria
  2. Resilience and restoration of tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and grassy woodlands
  3. Monographs of invasive plants in Europe: Carpobrotus
  4. Beyond the species pool: modification of species dispersal, establishment, and assembly by habitat restoration
  5. No recovery of campo rupestre grasslands after gravel extraction: implications for conservation and restoration
  6. How have we studied seed rain in grasslands and what do we need to improve for better restoration?
  7. Species transfer via topsoil translocation: lessons from two large Mediterranean restoration projects
  8. Reproductive phenology of two co-occurring Neotropical mountain grasslands
  9. Promoting ecological restoration in France: issues and solutions
  10. Eradication of invasive Carpobrotus sp.: effects on soil and vegetation
  11. Restoring Brazilian savanna ground layer vegetation by topsoil and hay transfer
  12. Plant phenological research enhances ecological restoration
  13. Perennial plant restoration in grasslands
  14. Plant communities of a coastal lagoon foredune: definition of the reference and restoration after compaction
  15. Consequences of iceplant (Carpobrotus) invasion on the vegetation and seed bank structure on a Mediterranean island: response elements for their local eradication