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  1. Default risk transmission in the travel and leisure industry
  2. Dynamic co-movement in major commodity markets during crisis periods: A wavelet local multiple correlation analysis
  3. Expected inflation and U.S. stock sector indices: A dynamic time-scale tale from inflationary and deflationary crisis periods
  4. Spillovers in the joint system of conditional higher-order moments: US evidence from green energy, brown energy, and technology stocks
  5. Dependence structure among rare earth and financial markets: A multiscale-vine copula approach
  6. Investor sentiment and multi-scale positive and negative stock market bubbles in a panel of G7 countries
  7. Testing the forecasting power of global economic conditions for the volatility of international REITs using a GARCH-MIDAS approach
  8. The predictive power of Bitcoin prices for the realized volatility of US stock sector returns
  9. Quantile Dependence between Crude Oil Returns and Implied Volatility: Evidence from Parametric and Nonparametric Tests
  10. Commodity price shocks related to the war in Ukraine and exchange rates of commodity exporters and importers
  11. Connectedness in implied higher-order moments of precious metals and energy markets
  12. Exploring sources of statistical arbitrage opportunities among Bitcoin exchanges
  13. Global Geopolitical Risk and the Long- and Short-Run Impacts on the Returns and Volatilities of US Treasuries
  14. Blockchain and crypto-exposed US companies and major cryptocurrencies: The role of jumps and co-jumps
  15. Contagious diseases and gold: Over 700 years of evidence from quantile regressions
  16. Geopolitical risk and the systemic risk in the commodity markets under the war in Ukraine
  17. Sustainable versus Conventional Cryptocurrencies in the Face of Cryptocurrency Uncertainty Indices: An Analysis across Time and Scales
  18. Tail risk transmission from commodity prices to sovereign risk of emerging economies
  19. The (Asymmetric) effect of El Niño and La Niña on gold and silver prices in a GVAR model
  20. The size of good and bad volatility shocks does matter for spillovers
  21. Climate policy uncertainty and the price dynamics of green and brown energy stocks
  22. Is Bitcoin’s Carbon Footprint Persistent? Multifractal Evidence and Policy Implications
  23. Spillovers in Higher-Order Moments of Crude Oil, Gold, and Bitcoin
  24. Measuring systemic risk in the global banking sector: A cross-quantilogram network approach
  25. Are energy metals hedges or safe havens for clean energy stock returns?
  26. Outliers and Time-Varying Jumps in the Cryptocurrency Markets
  27. Hedging UK stock portfolios with gold and oil: The impact of Brexit
  28. OPEC News and Exchange Rate Forecasting Using Dynamic Bayesian Learning
  29. Rare disaster risks and volatility of the term-structure of US Treasury Securities: The role of El Niño and La Niña events
  30. Modelling extreme risk spillovers in the commodity markets around crisis periods including COVID19
  31. Extreme tail network analysis of cryptocurrencies and trading strategies
  32. Financial market connectedness: The role of investors’ happiness
  33. Energy markets – Who are the influencers?
  34. Price effects after one-day abnormal returns in developed and emerging markets: ESG versus traditional indices
  35. Climate bond, stock, gold, and oil markets: Dynamic correlations and hedging analyses during the COVID-19 outbreak
  36. Energy markets and green bonds: A tail dependence analysis with time-varying optimal copulas and portfolio implications
  37. Energy, agriculture, and precious metals: Evidence from time-varying Granger causal relationships for both return and volatility
  38. Rare earth and financial markets: Dynamics of return and volatility connectedness around the COVID-19 outbreak
  39. Dynamics and Determinants of Market Integration of Green, Clean, Dirty Energy Investments and Conventional Stock Indices
  41. Does geopolitical risk mitigate inbound tourism? Evidence from panel quantile regression
  42. Impact of institutional quality on sustainable development: Evidence from developing countries
  43. Uncertainty and daily predictability of housing returns and volatility of the United States: Evidence from a higher-order nonparametric causality-in-quantiles test
  44. Spillovers from global economic policy uncertainty and oil price volatility to the volatility of stock markets of oil importers and exporters
  45. Hedging the Risks of MENA Stock Markets with Gold: Evidence from the Spectral Approach
  46. Forecasting power of infectious diseases-related uncertainty for gold realized variance
  47. Time-varying risk aversion and forecastability of the US term structure of interest rates
  48. Commodity market risks and green investments: Evidence from India
  49. COVID-19 Pandemic and Investor Herding in International Stock Markets
  50. Systemic risk spillover across global and country stock markets during the COVID-19 pandemic
  51. On the Dynamics of International Real-Estate-Investment Trust-Propagation Mechanisms: Evidence from Time-Varying Return and Volatility Connectedness Measures
  52. Spillovers in higher moments and jumps across US stock and strategic commodity markets
  53. El Niño, La Niña, and the Forecastability of the Realized Variance of Heating Oil Price Movements
  54. Herding on Fundamental/Nonfundamental Information During the COVID-19 Outbreak and Cyber-Attacks: Evidence From the Cryptocurrency Market
  55. Herding behavior in the commodity markets of the Asia-Pacific region
  56. On the intraday return curves of Bitcoin: Predictability and trading opportunities
  57. The pricing of bad contagion in cryptocurrencies: A four-factor pricing model
  58. Government responses to COVID-19 and industry stock returns
  59. Rare earth and allied sectors in stock markets: extreme dependence of return and volatility
  60. Mixed‐frequency forecasting of crude oil volatility based on the information content of global economic conditions
  61. Herding Behavior and Liquidity in the Cryptocurrency Market
  62. Volatility connectedness of major cryptocurrencies: The role of investor happiness
  63. The hedge asset for BRICS stock markets: Bitcoin, gold or VIX
  64. Information transmission and hedging effectiveness for the pairs crude oil-gold and crude oil-Bitcoin during the COVID-19 outbreak
  65. Investor Sentiment and (Anti) Herding in the Currency Market: Evidence from Twitter Feed Data
  66. Causal nexus between crude oil and US corporate bonds
  67. Crude oil volatility and the biodiesel feedstock market in Malaysia during the 2014 oil price decline and the COVID-19 outbreak
  68. The realized volatility of commodity futures: Interconnectedness and determinants
  69. Asymmetric volatility spillover among Chinese sectors during COVID-19
  70. News-based equity market uncertainty and crude oil volatility
  71. Does Bitcoin Hedge Categorical Economic Uncertainty? A Quantile Analysis
  72. Extreme return connectedness and its determinants between clean/green and dirty energy investments
  73. El Niño and forecastability of oil-price realized volatility
  74. Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the US equity sectors: Evidence from quantile return spillovers
  75. Quantile connectedness in the cryptocurrency market
  76. Asymmetric efficiency of cryptocurrencies during COVID19
  77. The Benefits of Diversification Between Bitcoin, Bonds, Equities and the US Dollar: A Matter of Portfolio Construction
  78. From pandemic to systemic risk: contagion in the U.S. tourism sector
  79. Impact of economic policy uncertainty on CO 2 emissions in the US : Evidence from bootstrap ARDL ...
  80. Regime specific spillover across cryptocurrencies and the role of COVID-19
  81. Infectious disease-related uncertainty and the safe-haven characteristic of US treasury securities
  82. Return connectedness across asset classes around the COVID-19 outbreak
  83. Crude oil prices and clean energy stock indices: Lagged and asymmetric effects with quantile regression
  84. Forecasting Bitcoin returns: is there a role for the US–China trade war?
  85. Gold, platinum and the predictability of bond risk premia
  86. Predicting Bitcoin returns: Comparing the roles of newspaper- and internet search-based measures of uncertainty
  87. Realised volatility connectedness among Bitcoin exchange markets
  88. Return equicorrelation in the cryptocurrency market: Analysis and determinants
  89. Risk spillover between Bitcoin and conventional financial markets: An expectile-based approach
  90. Economic policy uncertainty and the Bitcoin-US stock nexus
  91. Predictability of GCC stock returns: The role of geopolitical risk and crude oil returns
  92. Dynamic interdependence of cryptocurrency markets: An analysis across time and frequency
  93. Impact of energy sector volatility on clean energy assets
  94. Intraday return predictability: Evidence from commodity ETFs and their related volatility indices
  95. The role of global economic conditions in forecasting gold market volatility: Evidence from a GARCH-MIDAS approach
  96. Jumps in Geopolitical Risk and the Cryptocurrency Market: The Singularity of Bitcoin
  97. Quantile causality between banking stock and real estate securities returns in the US
  98. Extreme spillovers across Asian-Pacific currencies: A quantile-based analysis
  99. Female empowerment/participation in the workplace and firm performance: a study of privately-owned firms
  100. Forecasting ethanol price volatility under structural breaks
  101. Tail dependence in the return-volume of leading cryptocurrencies
  102. High-Frequency Predictability of Housing Market Movements of the United States: The Role of Economic Sentiment
  103. Nonlinear contagion between stock and real estate markets: International evidence from a local Gaussian correlation approach
  104. Co-movement across european stock and real estate markets
  105. Forecasting Realized Volatility of Bitcoin: The Role of the Trade War
  106. Infectious Diseases, Market Uncertainty and Oil Market Volatility
  107. Bitcoin, gold, and commodities as safe havens for stocks: New insight through wavelet analysis
  108. Modelling the volatility of crude oil returns: Jumps and volatility forecasts
  109. Culture and Multiple Firm–Bank Relationships: A Matter of Secrecy and Trust?
  110. Mortgage Default Risks and High-Frequency Predictability of the U.S. Housing Market: A Reconsideration
  111. The Determinants of the U.S. Consumer Sentiment: Linear and Nonlinear Models
  112. Are clean energy stocks efficient? Asymmetric multifractal scaling behaviour
  113. Movements in international bond markets: The role of oil prices
  114. Hedging Strategies of Green Assets against Dirty Energy Assets
  115. Revisiting the valuable roles of commodities for international stock markets
  116. Trade uncertainties and the hedging abilities of Bitcoin
  117. Hedging the risk of travel and leisure stocks: The role of crude oil
  118. The profitability of technical trading rules in the Bitcoin market
  119. Safe haven, hedge and diversification for G7 stock markets: Gold versus bitcoin
  120. Cryptocurrencies and equity funds: Evidence from an asymmetric multifractal analysis
  121. Do Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies jump together?
  122. The predictability of stock market volatility in emerging economies: Relative roles of local, regional, and global business cycles
  123. Jumps in energy and non‐energy commodities
  124. The volatility surprise of leading cryptocurrencies: Transitory and permanent linkages
  125. Dynamic structural impacts of oil shocks on exchange rates: lessons to learn
  126. Natural disasters and economic growth: a quantile on quantile approach
  127. Oil market conditions and sovereign risk in MENA oil exporters and importers
  128. Cryptocurrencies as hedges and safe-havens for US equity sectors
  129. Assessment and optimization of clean energy equity risks and commodity price volatility indexes: Implications for sustainability
  130. Predicting Cryptocurrency Returns Based on Economic Policy Uncertainty: A Multicountry Analysis Using Linear and Quantile-Based Models
  131. Monetary policy uncertainty and jumps in advanced equity markets
  132. The Effect of Jumps in the Crude Oil Market on the Sovereign Risks of Major Oil Exporters
  133. Bitcoin price–volume: A multifractal cross-correlation approach
  134. Exogenous drivers of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency volatility – A mixed data sampling approach to forecasting
  135. Energy and non-energy commodities: An asymmetric approach towards portfolio diversification in the commodity market
  136. A quantile regression analysis of flights-to-safety with implied volatilities
  137. Gold and crude oil as safe-haven assets for clean energy stock indices: Blended copulas approach
  138. Assessing the risk of the European Union carbon allowance market
  139. Cryptocurrencies and the downside risk in equity investments
  140. Asymmetric multifractal cross-correlations between the main world currencies and the main cryptocurrencies
  141. Information interdependence among energy, cryptocurrency and major commodity markets
  142. Spillover across Eurozone credit market sectors and determinants
  143. Conditional quantiles and tail dependence in the volatilities of gold and silver
  144. Dynamic connectedness and integration in cryptocurrency markets
  145. Dynamics and determinants of spillovers across the option-implied volatilities of US equities
  146. The Crude Oil–Stock Market Dependence and Its Determinants: Evidence from Emerging Economies
  147. Is Bitcoin a better safe-haven investment than gold and commodities?
  148. Does global economic uncertainty matter for the volatility and hedging effectiveness of Bitcoin?
  149. Return and volatility linkages between CO2 emission and clean energy stock prices
  150. Carbon emission and ethanol markets: evidence from Brazil
  151. Network causality structures among Bitcoin and other financial assets: A directed acyclic graph approach
  152. Modelling long memory volatility in the Bitcoin market: Evidence of persistence and structural breaks
  153. Is wine a good choice for investment?
  154. Fear Linkages Between the US and BRICS Stock Markets: A Frequency-Domain Causality
  155. Risk spillover between energy and agricultural commodity markets: A dependence-switching CoVaR-copula model
  156. Trading volume and the predictability of return and volatility in the cryptocurrency market
  157. Testing for asymmetric nonlinear short- and long-run relationships between bitcoin, aggregate commodity and gold prices
  158. Bitcoin and global financial stress: A copula-based approach to dependence and causality in the quantiles
  159. Co-explosivity in the cryptocurrency market
  160. Herding behaviour in cryptocurrencies
  161. Spillovers between Bitcoin and other assets during bear and bull markets
  162. Does corn market uncertainty impact the US ethanol prices?
  163. Asymmetric impacts of disaggregated oil price shocks on uncertainties and investor sentiment
  164. Does oil product pricing reform increase returns and uncertainty in the Chinese stock market?
  165. Dynamic network of implied volatility transmission among US equities, strategic commodities, and BRICS equities
  166. Nonlinear relationships amongst the implied volatilities of crude oil and precious metals
  167. Does global fear predict fear in BRICS stock markets? Evidence from a Bayesian Graphical Structural VAR model
  168. Ownership concentration, ownership identity, and bank performance
  169. Directional predictability of implied volatility: From crude oil to developed and emerging stock markets
  170. Oil volatility and sovereign risk of BRICS
  171. Geopolitical Risks and Movements in Islamic Bond and Equity Markets: A Note
  172. Is Wine a Good Choice for Investment?
  173. Commodity volatility shocks and BRIC sovereign risk: A GARCH-quantile approach
  174. Testing the efficiency of the wine market using unit root tests with sharp and smooth breaks
  175. Uncovering frequency domain causality between gold and the stock markets of China and India: Evidence from implied volatility indices
  176. The Impact of Governance in Higher Education Institutions on Scientific Research in the Arab World
  177. The dependence structure across oil, wheat, and corn: A wavelet-based copula approach using implied volatility indexes
  178. Can volume predict Bitcoin returns and volatility? A quantiles-based approach
  179. The impact of religious practice on stock returns and volatility
  180. Cointegration and nonlinear causality amongst gold, oil, and the Indian stock market: Evidence from implied volatility indices
  181. Can energy commodity futures add to the value of carbon assets?
  182. Bitcoin for energy commodities before and after the December 2013 crash: diversifier, hedge or safe haven?
  183. Causality between oil prices and the stock market in China: The relevance of the reformed oil product pricing mechanism
  184. On the return-volatility relationship in the Bitcoin market around the price crash of 2013
  185. On the hedge and safe haven properties of Bitcoin: Is it really more than a diversifier?
  186. Does Bitcoin hedge global uncertainty? Evidence from wavelet-based quantile-in-quantile regressions
  187. Volatility transmission from commodity markets to sovereign CDS spreads in emerging and frontier countries
  188. The Lebanese Electricity Woes: An Estimation of the Economical Costs of Power Interruptions
  189. The directional volatility connectedness between crude oil and equity markets: New evidence from implied volatility indexes
  190. Fine Wines and Stocks from the Perspective of UK Investors: Hedge or Safe Haven?
  191. Crude oil prices and sectoral stock returns in Jordan around the Arab uprisings of 2010
  192. On the volatility transmission between oil and stock markets: a comparison of emerging importers and exporters
  193. Ownership structure and minority expropriation in Lebanon
  194. Outside directors and firm performance across family generations in Lebanon
  195. On the Return-Volatility Relationship in the Bitcoin Market around the Price Crash of 2013
  196. A broadened causality in variance approach to assess the risk dynamics between crude oil prices and the Jordanian stock market
  197. Return and volatility linkages between oil prices and the Lebanese stock market in crisis periods
  198. Oil volatility shocks and the stock markets of oil-importing MENA economies: A tale from the financial crisis
  199. Fine Wine as an Alternative Investment during Equity Market Downturn
  200. Fine Wine as an Alternative Investment during Equity Market Downturns
  201. On the Dynamic Transmission of Mean and Volatility across the Arab Stock Markets
  202. Beyond the negative relation between return and conditional volatility in the wine market
  203. Israeli-Hezbollah War and Global Financial Crisis in the Middle East and North African Equity Markets
  204. Do return and volatility traverse the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) stock markets borders?
  205. Principal–principal conflicts in Lebanese unlisted family firms
  206. Impact of family involvement in ownership management and direction on financial performance of the Lebanese firms
  207. Pairs Trading comme Arbitrage Statistique à la Bourse de Beyrouth: La Co-intégration entre les Cours des Actions Solidere A et B*
  208. Dynamic Interactions between the Markets of Crude Oil and Fine Wine in Light of the Global Economic Growth
  209. Do Fine Wines Blend with Crude Oil? Seizing the Transmission of Mean and Volatility Between Two Commodity Prices
  210. Board of directors and financial performance in the Middle East
  211. Board of directors and bank performance: beyond agency theory