All Stories

  1. Integration Discourses, the Purification of Gender and Interventions in Family Migrations
  2. Gender, migration and policymaking in light of the 60 th anniversary of international migration
  3. Onward migration: An introduction
  4. Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: A critical and theoretical overview
  5. Discusses reasons for the uneven internationalisation of gender and migration field
  6. Gendered forms of social protection in Europe
  7. Subversive citizens: using EU free movement law to bypass the UK’s rules on marriage migration
  8. Towards an inclusive and gendered right to the city
  9. Gendered mobilities and vulnerabilities: refugee journeys to and in Europe
  10. income conditions for family members several European countries.
  11. From Mobile Workers to Fellow Citizens and Back Again? The Future Status of EU Citizens in the UK
  12. Health Challenges in Refugee Reception: Dateline Europe 2016
  13. Gendered migrations, social reproduction and the household in Europe
  14. Towards a Gendered Evaluation of (Highly) Skilled Immigration Policies in Europe
  15. Gendered Perspectives on Integration Discourses and Measures
  16. Gendered Labour Migrations in Europe and Emblematic Migratory Figures
  17. Mapping Women, Making Politics
  18. Human Geography of the UK
  19. Women, Migration, and Care: Explorations of Diversity and Dynamism in the Global South
  20. Rethinking Care Through Social Reproduction: Articulating Circuits of Migration
  21. Insiders and outsiders: working with peer researchers in researching Muslim communities
  22. Branding Cities
  23. Gender and Global Labour Migrations: Incorporating Skilled Workers
  24. Citizenship, Migration and the Reassertion of National Identity
  25. Gender and International Migration in Europe
  26. Secure borders and safe haven and the gendered politics of belonging: Beyond social cohesion
  27. Figures of the cosmopolitan
  28. Gender and skilled migrants: into and beyond the work place
  29. An introduction from the Guest Editors
  30. Women, trade, and migration
  31. Family‐related migration: a critial review of European Studies
  32. Gendered Global Migrations
  33. Future directions in political geography
  34. Contemporary European migrations, civic stratification and citizenship
  35. The State, Skilled Labour Markets, and Immigration: The Case of Doctors in England
  36. The invisibility of skilled female migrants and gender relations in studies of skilled migration in Europe
  37. Female 'Birds of Passage' a Decade Later: Gender and Immigration in the European Union
  38. Migrant Women and Exclusion in Europe
  39. Citizenship for some but not for others: spaces of citizenship in contemporary Europe
  40. Unfinished agendas: acting upon minority voices of the past decade
  41. Cities: A decadeof la politique de la ville
  42. Towards fortress Europe?
  43. Political geography textbooks for Myopic lecturers?
  44. Editorial comment on the special issue
  45. Into the 1990s: A gendered agenda for political geography
  46. Differential modernisation, social conflicts and ethno‐regionalism in Corsica
  47. Functional regionalism and alternative regional development programmes in Corsica
  48. The concept of the culture region in the social sciences in France
  49. Gendered transformations in patterns of global migration