All Stories

  1. RLC resonator with diode nonlinearity: Bifurcation comparison of numerical predictions and circuit measurements
  2. The effect of characteristic times on collective modes of two quorum sensing coupled identical ring oscillators
  3. Emergence of multistability and strongly asymmetric collective modes in two quorum sensing coupled identical ring oscillators
  4. Self-Organized Quasiperiodicity and Multistability in Dynamical Systems of different Nature
  5. How to couple identical ring oscillators to get quasiperiodicity, extended chaos, multistability, and the loss of symmetry
  6. Electronic circuit analog of synthetic genetic networks: Revisited
  7. Flexible dynamics of two quorum-sensing coupled repressilators
  8. Noise-Aided Logic in an Electronic Analog of Synthetic Genetic Networks
  9. Electronic Implementation of a Repressilator with Quorum Sensing Feedback
  10. An Electronic Analog of Synthetic Genetic Networks
  11. Modeling excitable systems: Reentrant tachycardia
  12. Nonlinear damping of the LC circuit using antiparallel diodes
  13. Padé–Laplace analysis of signal averaged voltage decays obtained from a simple circuit
  14. Real-time finite difference bifurcation diagrams from analog electronic circuits
  15. Verifying the diode–capacitor circuit voltage decay
  16. Transient kinetics and thermodynamics of anthroylouabain binding to Na/K-ATPase
  17. Nucleotide binding to IAF-labelled measured by steady state fluorescence quenching by TNP-ADP
  18. Transient kinetics of substrate binding to measured by fluorescence quenching
  19. Binding of TNP‐ATP to IAF‐Labeled Na+/K+‐ATPase as Examined by Fluorescence Quenchinga
  20. Fluorescence Quenching of IAF‐Na+/K+ ‐ATPase via Energy Transfer to TNP‐Labeled Nucleotidea
  21. Myosin head rotation in muscle fibers measured using polarized fluorescence photobleaching recovery
  22. Insulation of a G protein-coupled receptor on the plasmalemmal surface of the pancreatic acinar cell.
  23. Saturation effects in polarized fluorescence photobleaching recovery and steady state fluorescence polarization
  24. Kinetics of epidermal growth factor/receptor binding on cells measured by total internal reflection/fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
  25. An automatic focus/hold system for optical microscopes
  26. Chapter 15 Emission of Fluorescence at an Interface
  27. Biomolecular Motion On Surfaces And Membranes
  28. Fluorescence emission at dielectric and metal-film interfaces