All Stories

  1. Bioactivities of scent gland chemicals from Mictis fuscipes Hsiao (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
  2. Hymalaian ant maggots under the microscope!
  3. Hitting the Road: Haplotype Diversity of Fire Ants Nesting on Disturbed Atlantic Forest Habitats
  4. Phytopathogenic fungus could be a biological control agent
  5. The Reds are Coming Up the Hill! Fire ants spread via highways & sea ports threatening biodiversity
  6. Citrus breeds resistance against Greening disease
  7. How pest weevils find and attack Camelia flowers, using chemistry.
  8. An overview of what is known about nitrogenous toxins from ants.
  9. An invasive pest bug may transmit two serious diseases to citrus : Hualongbing and Tristeza virus
  10. Wiping off Palm Tree pest bugs using sustainable fungi
  11. How do ants react to dead mates?
  12. Using venom toxins as possible chemotherapy drugs against the neglected Chagas' disease
  13. How natural enemies of ants hack communication channels
  14. Novel industrial disinfectants based on ant toxins?
  15. Improved shelf life and efficiency of insecticidal fungi to combat pest insects
  16. Venom Alkaloids of Fire ant Queens Shield from Competitor Species
  17. Commercial fungus preparation (prototype) against pest insects, such as fire ants.
  18. First insights into the molecular mechanisms behind allergy to fire ant stings.
  19. A cheat sheet for identifying fresh fire ant samples
  20. Citrus Greening Disease infection in the vector bug
  21. The infection of the pest bug 'Asian citrus psyllid' by citrus Greening Disease bacteria
  22. Hacking Nanodrop to rapidly evaluate quality of venom obtained by trivial centrifugation
  23. DIY Milking of Insect Venom
  24. Telling apart identical ant species that behave totally different!
  25. A timely literature review on the chemical diversity of ant venom toxins
  26. Oops , I did it again: a mistake! Correcting details in previous work.
  27. A short overview of the literature and biotech applications of invasive fire ants toxins
  28. Fine details on the digestive system of important household ants.
  29. Easy allergens: Live fire ants in apolar organic solvent secrete venom proteins into a water phase.
  30. Behold the larvae and pupae of the pesky 'Paulistinha' hornets from Brazil
  31. Overlooked venom proteins from Red Imported Fire Ants workers
  32. Larval Morphology of two common male Large Carpenter Ants from Brazil
  33. A straightforward synthesis of fire ant alkaloids, with comments on group chemical ecology
  34. A high-magnification inspection on the larvae of a cockroach-killing wasp
  35. Spider-hunting Wasp Grubs: What so we know?..
  36. Close-up imagery of leaf-cutting ants babies: What you'd Never expect
  37. A really close look into fire ant larvae: You can't really tell them apart.
  38. Looking into glaring chemical differences between identical populations of fire ants in Brazil
  39. Images & Description of eggs + larvae of a Thief Ant from Brazil
  40. Look at them babies! The strange larvae from a Brazilian Tree Ant
  41. What ails you? Fungi associated with the Black Crazy Ant
  42. Impressive imagery of the larvae of a Brazilian vineyard ant
  43. A highly detailed description of eggs & larvae of a common Large Carpenter Ant from Brazil
  44. The larvae of the pesky kitchen Sugar Ants, aka The Ghost Ants
  45. Detailed Microscopy Imagery & Structure of the venom gland of the Fire Ant
  46. Our pioneering study on Ant Larvae: Flower Ants Babies !
  47. Temperature limits for a Natural Enemy of Pest Cockroaches: Applied Biocontrol
  48. Ant maggots -- Did you know they are not that gross?
  49. A naturalist's view into the life-style of a cockroach-hunter parasitoid wasp
  50. More like a ghost or a dog amongst people? An unsuspected guest inside fire ant nests
  51. Cockroach Temperature Limits for Survival: Biocontrol Biotech Data
  52. Crazy Ant Babies: Have you ever thought?..
  53. Measuring the Biocontrol Capacity of a Cockroach Killer Wasp