All Stories

  1. Peskas: Automated analytics for small-scale, data-deficient fisheries
  2. Integrating intraspecific variation into population dynamics reveals how interacting species persist in mutualistic communities
  3. Peskas: Automated analytics for small-scale, data-deficient fisheries
  4. Retention of fish biodiversity in a mixed-use agroecosystem in Cambodia
  5. Kiwi translocation review: are we releasing enough birds and to the right places?
  6. Environment affects specialisation of plants and pollinators
  7. The trade-offs of sharing pollinators: pollination service is determined by the community context
  8. Multi-method assessment of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) residency, distribution, and dispersal behavior at an aggregation site in the Red Sea
  9. Keystoneness, centrality, and the structural controllability of ecological networks
  10. A review of species role concepts in food webs
  11. Fisheries management successes are overshadowed by unintended consequences in a neighboring area
  12. Cophylogenetic signal is detectable in pollination interactions across ecological scales
  13. paco: implementing Procrustean Approach to Cophylogeny in R
  14. Acoustic telemetry reveals cryptic residency of whale sharks
  15. Whale sharks target dense prey patches of sergestid shrimp off Tanzania
  16. Economic valuation of whale shark tourism
  17. Topography and biological noise determine acoustic detectability on coral reefs